Given the social distancing implemented after the COVID-19 crisis outburst, the PArC fair (Peru Contemporary Art) has created a virtual platform that does not replace the fair itself, which will be held in September, but which enables contact between the public and the participating artists and galleries. As of today, April 22, said platform is already working.

The Director of the fair, Diego Costa Peuser, presents PArC online and invites the public:
“Dear Friends and Collectors,
PArC, Peru Arte Contemporáneo, and the EFG Wealth Management announce that from May 4 you will be able to enter our website and visit the fair in virtual format.
Today, April 22, we would be opening the eighth edition of the PArC fair. A fair with a very well thought staging of contemporary art that includes quality works by established and mid-career artists. There’s also the Solo Project section, curated by Florencia Battiti, where the artists’ contemporaneity is shown via poetic endeavors from diverse sociopolitical contexts in Latin America. And last but not least there’s the Next section, curated by Florencia Portocarrero, that gives visibility to six emerging galleries that are already relevant in the contemporary contexts to which they belong to.
Our commitment to art entails displaying our artists through our virtual platform. The plan is to show around 5-10 works from each gallery that will participate in the fair, including information on the artist and price. There, you can directly contact the galleries and request additional information, if needed, and complete the purchase.
In times like these we look for ways to support the artistic world, giving visibility to all the work done by artists, curators, gallery owners, and more.
We formally and enthusiastically invite you to visit our page and get to know the art galleries that participate in the fair. You will also find a talks programme that will be delivered by different art personalities via zoom.
Welcome to the future!”
Kindest regards,
Diego Costa Peuser