La Galería Rebelde presents its most recent exhibition "ANTEPARAÍSO", an international show of fifteen artists in collaboration with three renowned galleries in Latin America. For this first edition of the project, La Galería Rebelde collaborates with the galleries CURRO from Guadalajara, ARRÓNIZ from Mexico City and NUEVEOCHENTA from Bogotá.

Each international gallery presents three artists to show a total of fifteen visions around the theme of contemporary landscape. There are different ways of thinking about the landscape: as a place in the distance, as memory, as colors that draw different forms of relief on the horizon, as geography or territory.
For the exhibition, the vision of the abstract landscape prevails, thinking of the lines, spots and entanglements as a personal way of conceiving the horizon from its minimum unit. Even so, we find different manifestations such as an exploration of nostalgia, nature, architecture and the way in which space is thought from the perspectives that inhabit it. Thus, abstract and symbolic landscapes, urban landscapes from the everyday, dreamscapes and political landscapes are covered, which are also a mention of the territory.
Different regions of the continent are represented in the exhibition. From Guatemala, Diana de Solares (1952) and Norman Morales (1979) participate. De Solares with a mobile that recalls the dance of colors in the landscape and Morales with a series of marble sculptures intervened with photographs from found archives. From Cuba, Adrián Fernández Milanés (1984) shows two sculptures as studies for monuments; A vision of public architecture that is contrasted with the steel work of the Mexican Francisco Ugarte (1963). Also from Mexico we find the abstract work of Daniela Libertad (1983), Aldo Chaparro (1965) and Ricardo Rendón (1970), showing three different visions of abstraction as ways of approaching a personal landscape.
Norman Morales - LA EXTENSIÓN DEL PAISAJE 1, 2 Y 3 - Mármol, madera, fotografía de archivo intervenida – 2005 - 40 x 45 x 5 cms - 43 x 50 x 5 cms - 120 x 50 x 10 cms - Piezas Únicas - Cortesía: La Galería Rebelde
Adrián Fernández Milanés - VOLUMEN II - De la serie: Apuntes para un monumento - Acero Corten – 2021 - 69 x 60 x 60 cms - Ed. 2/3 - Cortesía del artista y La Galería Rebelde
Vistas de sala. Cortesía La Galería Rebelde
Daniela Libertad - "PAISAJE 19" - Lápiz de color sobre papel – 2018 - 122 x 70 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: CURRO Galería
Aldo Chaparro - SIN TÍTULO - Acrílico sobre lino – 2019 - 47 x 47 x 6 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: La Galería Rebelde
Ricardo Rendón - "PATRÓN DE OBRA" - Ojales de hierro y fieltro industrial modificado – 2018 - 400 x 230 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo
Natalia Castañeda (1982) and Juan Rodríguez Varón (1988) participate from Colombia with acrylic paintings of dreamlike, almost psychedelic landscapes. Works that dialogue directly with the large-scale paintings of Salvadoran Albertine Stahl. Also from Central America we find the work of Luciano Goizueta (1982), who with his usual perfect stroke gives us a picture of an iconic building in the history of architecture in Guatemala, and Lester Rodríguez (1984), from Honduras, exhibits a political critique to the walls and limits that divide the territory. Fernando Carabajal from the United States, Andrea Galvani from Italy and Ishamel Randall-Weeks from Peru complement this list with proposals that challenge the concept of landscape, opening our gaze to new perspectives of a concept that is already so well established in art history.
Natalia Castañeda - DE LA SERIE: "CONTANDO PIEDRAS EN EL JARDÍN DE MI CASA" - Óleo sobre tela – 2010 - 145 x 113 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: Nueveochenta
Juan Rodríguez Varón - "REFLEJO VERDE" - Óleo sobre tela – 2019 - 120 x 200 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: Nueveochenta
Vistas de sala. Cortesía La Galería Rebelde
Luciano Goizueta - "AUSENCIA XXVI" - Acrílico sobre tela – 2021 - 173 x 173 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: La Galería Rebelde
Vistas de sala. Cortesía La Galería Rebelde
Lester Rodríguez - "SIN TÍTULO #1” - De la serie: La ideología y el paisaje. Fotografía impresa en Enhanced Matte y manta con serigrafía – 2018 - Medidas Variables - Ed. 1/3 - Cortesía: Nueveochenta
Andrea Galvani - "BOLTZMANN CHANGE IN ENTROPY" - 6500K neon, vidrio blanco soplado, estructura de metal, pintura, electricidad - 2019-2020 - 32 x 94 x 7 cms - Ed. 3/3 - Cortesía: Curro Galería
Vistas de sala. Cortesía La Galería Rebelde
Ishmael Randall-Weeks - "CIRCULO CONCRETO" - Grout 700, madera, cristal, hierro, acero 1/4" corrugado, lápices y cuadernos escolares de los 60's-80's – 2021 - 200 x 200 cms - Pieza Única - Cortesía: Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo
In the end, the root of the imagination is a natural space, and the landscape is a possibility of existence, a gaze towards the path to take, an expedition to the limits and forms of the world.
The show experiments with a multiplicity of media, such as painting, sculpture, photography and installation. In addition, it proposes a conversation between these media and artists from different generations and origins that together create a gathering of voices and mountains that ask themselves, what else can a horizon be? A diverse setting for postcards of our natural world, with artists exhibiting their work for the first time in Guatemala and in collaboration with three of the most important galleries in Latin America; a unique moment for art in the country.
Km. 7.5 Carretera Muxbal, Centro Empresarial Muxbal, Bodega 3, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.