As part of the XXI edition of the Support for Young Generations Art Contest, La Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain) is showing Generación 2021 (2021 Generation) until the 9 of May. The nine artists selected—a total of eight projects— come from both Spain and Latin America and were chosen from over 500 proposals by a jury formed by Ana Botella, Head of Public Programmes at the Wellcome Collection (London); Soledad Gutiérrez, curator at Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21); and Ivan L. Munuera, PhD Candidate at Princeton University and independent critic and curator.
In addition to granting the artists the opportunity to exhibit their projects at the cultural centre under the curatorship of Ignacio Cabrero (Madrid, 1966), the Montemadrid Foundation —the entity that directs and manages the activities of La Casa Encendida— gave an amount of 10,000 euros to each of the artists so that they can continue to develop their work.

Generación 2021 is conceived to address, from multiple disciplines and languages, questions of individual and collective identity. Under this premise, the artworks presented range from installations to the projection of audiovisual pieces and the exhibition of sculptural works. Many of them are located in between disciplines, establishing a hybrid language that attempts to move the limits of the established order to the margins, both in terms of identity and artistic expression itself.
"The construction of identity always generates implications in the other, whether it is related to gender and sexuality, or to the origin of each person. Constructing a particular identity may involve resisting the expectations and prejudices that accompany them, as many subjects do not wish to, or simply cannot, inhabit the boundaries of the discourse of power. These people inhabit the folds and crevices of hegemonic discourses, they want to be outside normalisation, and at the same time they are creators of new places," said Ignacio Cabrero in relation to the thematic axis of the exhibition. And he added: "If identity is always being constructed, it must also be something that can be narrated, like the projects presented by the artists of Generations: stories excluded from official discourses".
The artists and projects awarded in this new edition of the Generations call are María Alcaide (Huelva, 1992), Piel (Carne de mi carne); Lucía Bayón (Madrid, 1994), I, Stubborness; Javier Bravo de Rueda (Perú, 1989), Apucllay: juego y duelo; Claudia Claremi (España/Cuba, 1986), Amnesia colonial (estupor); Isabel Marcos (Madrid, 1986), Arquitectura Mojada; nucbeade (Quiela Nuc, Madrid, 1990 y Andrea Beade, A Coruña, 1988) Licencia de amor B y P; Simón Sepúlveda (Chile, 1989), 1989-2019; y Helena Vinent (Barcelona, 1988), La prótesis que dirigió al órgano contra sí mismo.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
"Generación 2021", exhibition view. Ph: La Casa Encendida.
In relation to the exhibition, José Guirao, Montemadrid Foundation’s General Director, said: "Generations has always been committed to the freedom of young creators, to offering them a space to experiment without restrictions, a place where they can make mistakes, confront the public and critics, and from this relationship they can evolve, improve their production and develop a productive and rich career". And so it is: if we look back for some of the names that have been awarded in previous editions of the call, we find artists who have developed an important career and whose artworks are in the focus of the contemporary Spanish and international scene. This is the case, for example, of the artists Pedro G. Romero and Lara Almarcegui.
Exhibition: 2021 Generation: Artists of the Present Reflect on Identity
Curator: Ignacio Cabrero as part of XXI Support for Young Generations Art Contest organised by the Fundación Montemadrid.
When: 04/ 02/ 2021 - 09/ 05/ 2021
Where: La Casa Encendida