21c presents Seeing Now, a Latin American artists group exhibition
Exploring how visual and psychological perception are evolving in the 21st century, Seeing Now examines the visible and hidden forces shaping how we see and interpret information.

Multimedia works by more than two dozen artists confront the reality of omnipresent surveillance, the gulf between appearance and reality, the mechanisms surrounding systematic violence, and the normalizing power of visual information on the collective consciousness. “As many of these artworks reveal, we are disturbed by violent, unjust, or tragic incidents, yet accustomed to their regularity, and may be blind to their causes and costs,” states 21c Museum Director and Chief Curator Alice Gray Stites. “Many of the artworks featured in Seeing Now employ the mechanisms of screen-based technologies to engage the viewer in actively questioning how and what we see of the past and present.”
Participating artists include Hans Op de Beeck, Alyson Shotz, Travis Somerville, Toyin Ojih Odutola, Ken Gonzales-Day, Paul Rucker, Nidaa Badwan, Wim Botha, Nick Brandt, Sam Nhlengethwa, Trenton Doyle Hancock, Tim Hetherington, George Legrady, Mateo Mate, Graciela Sacco, among others.