At Galería del Paseo Punta del Este (Uruguay), opened on Saturday, October 13th, Los Pájaros (The Birds) photo exhibition of Vicky Aguirre, current director of photography of the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) culture magazine, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

More than forty years as a photographer Aguirre says photography "takes care" of her, explaining that more than a medium or form of expression it manifests as a companion. "It protects me from everyday problems. It reveals to me. My file tells me that I'm still looking for the same answers, "explains the artist.
Alluding to nature as the backbone of her work, Aguirre searches in her representations - leaves, flowers, branches, clouds, trunks, ants, bees, spiders, cobwebs, eggs and wings - the meaning behind them. Thus, as if it were a self-interpretation of what those figures suggest in their unconscious. "I study to be able to understand what the images already know," she describes.
Focusing on birds and eggs figures, mainly, Los Pájaros explores the almost mystical connection between the objects photographed: "What is the flight plan of the flocks? They feel the magnetic fields. They fly through their filaments. Electricity and pens, everything is connected. The golden egg knows it. The park where teros nest are also knows it. "
Abaout the artist:
She studied photography at the Higher Institute of Photographic Art of Pedro Luis Raota, where she receives the passion for the revealed. After graduating, in 1982 she teaches laboratory techniques, developed and copied in the same Institute. Between 1983 - 92 she won several national and international competitions being invited to Photokina, Germany, obtaining the Swissair grand prize. She exhibits her photographs in Argentina and Uruguay. From 1985 to the 90 she collaborates with Edizione Ecuestre, Italy, as the Argentine editor of the magazine Polo internacional where she presents her horse photographs. She collaborates with several national and international publishers. She is currently the photography director for CCK’s culture magazine. Her photographs are part of important collections. Lives and works in Buenos Aires.