Conceived as an exhibition project in progress, with an essential educational aspect, the exhibition A recent art history (1960-2020), brings together two complementary and consecutive art collections - that of the Juan March Foundation and that of DKV Seguros - in the two museums of the Juan March Foundation, the Cuenca Museum of Abstract Art and the Juan March Foundation Museum in Palma.

A history of recent art (1960-2020) tries a peculiar narrative exercise: it dares with yesterday and today, and does so with the works of artists in the same place where the testimonies of the history and art history: in the museum.
Juan Sánchez, Estampación portátil n.º 2, 2015. Colección DKV. © Juan Sánchez
Guillermo Mora, Mitad tú, mitad yo (Emilia), 2014. Colección DKV. © Guillermo Mora, VEGAP, 2021
Lucía C. Pino, Nº 7. Serie Full Fanton Five, Hierro
José Guerrero, Intervalos azules, 1971. Colección Fundación Juan March, Museo de Arte Abstracto Español, Cuenca. © José Guerrero, VEGAP, 2021
Given its educational aspect, the exhibition is accompanied by a digital tool that offers a virtual tour of the exhibition spaces, with comments - in text and voice - from its curators and some of the participant artists, the debates around the selection of works, the meaning of each of them in the exhibition and their narrative threads, as well as the didactic resources prepared by the teams of both institutions, which will be activated in the educational program of the museum.