After the last weeks of Amazonia, the experimental exhibition of photographer Roberto Huarcaya, from August 16, in Rolf ART gallery, in the neighborhood of Recoleta (Buenos, Argentina) will be able to visit the individual exhibition of Cristina Piffer Argento. Aires

The work of Cristina Piffer reflects on the tensions that exist between the official and unofficial discourse of several key episodes in Argentine history: confrontations between Unitarians and Federals, the organization and constitution of the national State and the processes of concentration of ownership of the productive lands, after the indigenous genocide during the Conquest of the Desert.
In the same way, Piffer questions the sense in which official history has given to categories such as identity, homeland and nation as opposed to the stories of those who staged the events.
At Argento the artist uses various organic materials such as fat, meat, animal viscera and dried blood powder, sealed in acrylic plates and exhibited in aseptic countertops or fixed with bolts and steel hooks. From there, organic matter operates as a disturbing metaphor for the erased bodies of history.