All ready for the 13th edition of Zsona MACO
After breaking attendance records in 2015, Zsona MACO, Latin America's most important art fair announces details for its thirteenth edition, to be held from February 3rd to 7th, 2016 at Centro Banamex, Hall D, in Mexico City.

As every year, the fair will feature five sections: General Section, New Proposals, ZsONA MACO Sur, Modern Art and ZsONA MACO Design, gathering together international curators, artists, gallery owners and collectors in one of the world’s leading art events.
In 2016 the GENERAL SECTION displays a total of 73 galleries with artists of international relevance, under the selection of a committee held by Stefania Bortolami (Bortolami Gallery, New York), Ben Loveless (Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm / Berlin ) and Patricia Ortiz Monasterio (Galería OMR, Mexico City)
For the first time, NEW PROPOSALS is curated by Humberto Moro (Guadalajara, 1982). The section will exhibit 22 galleries and an independent space, focused on potentializing the multiple achievements of a new experience through three selection criteria:
- Appealing to the condition of discovery with original artworks made specifically for the event.
- Under a geographic parameter with works of artists that have not been exhibited in the city.
- With artworks that through their formal or discursive characteristics represent an innovative way to the themes they approach.
For the second consecutive year, João Mourão (Alegrete, Portugal, 1975) and Luis Silva (Lisbon, Portugal, 1978), co-directors at the Kunsthalle Lissabon (Lisbon), curate ZsONA MACO SUR. With a selection of 21 projects, Case study #2: Rythm is a Dancer* continues the theoretical framework proposed in 2015 edition: Case Study #1 - Laplace’s Demon, which allowed attendees to know the past in order to predict what will occur in the future art scene .
* Case study #2: Rythm is a Dancer proposes a more performative approach to the curatorial exercise, guided by keywords such as rhythm, form, abstraction, music, geometry, dance, performance, movement, the 90’s, modernism, irony, sexy and eyecandy.
For its fourth edition, MODERN ART exhibits 17 international galleries with artworks produced during the first half of the 20th century, this time selected by a committee headed by Alejandra Yturbe (GAM, Mexico City), Mariana Pérez Amor (GAM, Mexico City) and Enrique Guerrero (Galería Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City).
For the third time Cecilia León de la Barra (Mexico City, 1975) is in charge of ZsONA MACO DESIGN. Throughout 27 exhibitors, the section will have an independent pavilion that will display the result of the exploration exercise initiated by the curator and the fair since 2014, which brings together limited edition objects and design of national and international studios, combining the latest trends with vintage design galleries.
In short, the art fair will present 123 galleries from 25 countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Guatemala, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela.
ZsONA MACO 2016 will turn Mexico City into the largest meeting point of the most important national and international collectors of contemporary and modern art and design objects; with a program of parallel activities, a series of lectures and the most important exhibition ground in Latin America divided into five sections, with restaurants and rest areas for visitors.
Established in 2003 by Zélika García, ZsONA MACO is currently one of the most important art fairs in the world, taking place once a year during the month of February at Centro Banamex, Mexico City.
Additionally to our contemporary art fair, Zélika García established ZsONA MACO Antique Salon in 2014 and ZsONA MACO FOTO in 2015, with the aim of including and strengthening the antique, photography and video art sectors in Mexico.