Alterna gallery presents Ley de los Grandes Números by Ernesto Walker
With this exhibit Galería Alterna open its doors in collaboration with artists like Iván Abreu. Tlahuac Mata and Diego Pérez.

In the quest for a reflection about the tangible and intagible components of luck, “Law of the large numbers” is a venture that takes the mathematical concept of the same name and sets it in dialogue with our need to predict the future. It reminds us of the value that an unusual event acquires socially. The Domino was taken as the material element of the piece, as it allows to integrate the playful component which is frequently used to address this matter.
The process begins with a fragment selection of the poem “Antibiótico” by Agustín Fernández Mallo. By means of numerological criteria words are provided of value and translated to number sequences. This way the information obtained is represented by domino formations in which the order of the pieces is conditioned by the succession of numbers. The final result is an installation in which the order of the elements combine cultural and mathematical aspects while generating strain between the interconnection of the components, its synchrony, causality and the inmminent possibility of being unchained.
Ernesto Walker (Monterrey,1982) lives and works in the city of Monterrey. His production is characterized by the examination of causality and abstraction, attempting to build bridges between the accidental and the meaningful. Currently he was selected in the XII Bienal FEMSA and is participating in the exhibition “Jardín del Edén” curated by Guillermo Santamarina at the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil. In addition, he has had individual and collective shows in London, Brussels, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Argentina, Greece, Spain and the United States. His works are part of collections in Italy, England, United States, Canada, Argentina and Mexico. Among other distinctions he is winner of the First Place of the Saatchi Gallery Drawing Showdown (Londres,2011), of the PACMyC scholarship granted by CONACULTA (2009) and of the production scholarship FINANCIARTE granted by CONARTE (2011). Since January 2011 he is part of the School of Art, Arquitecture and Design of the TEC de Monterrey as adjunct professor.
Prado Norte #550
Lomas de Chapultepec
Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo
Monday to Thursday 11:00 am – 19:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am 17: 00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 14:00 pm