An intergenerational exhibition dedicated to graphic art takes place at the National Museum of the Estampa (Mexico)
At the Museo Nacional de la Estampa (Munae), in Mexico, two exhibitions express the creative freedom of graphic artistic experiences of today. Hacia un poliedro perfecto: Siete lustros del Taller Gráfica Bordes (Towards a perfect polyhedron: Seven decades of the Bordes Graphic Workshop) and La Trampa Gráfica Contemporánea, give testimony of 35 years of history of an emblematic space dedicated to the art of engraving and printing. Until July 15th, the Mexican Fine Arts venue invites all those who wish to appreciate the contemporary graphic and editorial creation of their country.

On the one hand, Hacia un poliedro perfecto: Siete lustros del Taller Gráfica Borde reviews the Bordes Graphic Workshop trajectory, founded in 1983 in Guadalajara - and later in Mexico City - by Pilar Bordes, Carmen Bordes and Paul Nevin. Throughout the exhibition it can be seen more than 150 prints and documents, which bear witness to the history of this emblematic artistic space that has become an indisputable reference in the development of contemporary Mexican graphic production. Outstanding artists such as Vicente Rojo, Carla Rippey and Alberto Gironella, among others, have come out of this.
Within the framework of this exhibition, on April 28th there was a presentation dedicated to the most recent collection of the Artistas en México. Intuiciones volumétricas(Artists in Mexico. Volumetric intuitions) book series.. The series, explained Pilar Bordes, consists of bilingual publications that have the objective of spreading, inside and outside of Mexico, the artistic production of the country.
On the other hand, La Trampa Gráfica Contemporánea - inaugurated on May 3rd - focuses on the presentation of artistic projects and academic activities linked to contemporary graphic production. Through almost forty works, as a result of the collective participation of several collaborating artists of the workshop, the exhibition tries to represent the results of the laboratory and artistic production center founded in 2009 in the Historic Center of Mexico City.
Santiago Pérez Garci, Munae director, explained that: "The founders and guides of La Trampa Gráfica Contemporánea workshop have fostered the inclusion of agents and creators in a system of collaboration that recognizes the creative freedom of the exchange of artistic and esitorial experiences. This creative model has privileged the full use of traditional graphic techniques, the permanent dialogue around the definitions of current art and the impeccable dedication of its founders to the processes that guide graphic production until its final edition ".