ArteBA 2014 : Record sales to museums and institutions.
From the argentinian context, the National Museum of Fine Arts acquired the work by Graciela Sacco "Endangered extinct: Passion" a blueprint for refrigerator 1994 (Rolf Art Gallery), the Malba joined his collection a Margarita Paksa´s work (Document -Art Gallery), the video "Give Face" by Jose Alejandro Restrepo (Gallery Ignacio Liprandi) and two vintage photographs by Annemarie Heinrich (Galeria Vasari).

The Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires, meanwhile , acquired a sculpture and performance by Osias Yanov (Nora Fisch Gallery) installation "Observatory" Permanent Interim group (Ruth Benzacar Art Gallery) and a sculpture Untitled 2013 by Elba Bairon (Zavaleta Lab Contemporary Art). The Franklin Rawson Museum of San Juan acquired an Ana Tiscornia´s work (Nora Fisch gallery) and another by Eduardo Costa (Cosmocosa), and the Museum of Contemporary Art bought the work "Monument Intersections # 7", by Amalia Pica (Johann König Gallery, Berlin).
There was also an active participation of Museums and International Institutions: the Tate Gallery in London acquired a series of vintage photographs by Lotty Rosenfeld (Gallery Isabel Aninat), the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid opted for a collection of twenty street posters by Juan Carlos Romero (Document Art Gallery), a work by Sebastian Gordin (Ruth Benzacar Gallery) and a Jitrik Magdalena (Ignacio Liprandi Gallery), and two works of the young artist Pablo Cavallo (Pastor Cash Luna Gallery). The Museo de Arte de Lima acquired an untitled work by Alejandro Puente (Henrique Faria Fine Art). The Guggenheim in New York , meanwhile, is about to announce its new acquisition.
With respect to the private sphere, Chandon debuted as a buyer of the show with the play "Bad Earth" by Santiago Licata (Gallery Ruby), La Rural acquired Works by Claudia del Río (Nora Fisch), Carolina Magnin (Gachi Prieto Gallery), Augustine Sirai (Praxis Gallery) and Nicholas Matracchio (Zavaletalab Gallery). Meanwhile the Meliá Hotel joined his video collection a work by the artist Clara Ianni (Vermelho Gallery) and a video performance of Osías Yanov (Yanov Gallery).
Curatorial practices gain ground
This year the presence of the figure of the curator with the curatorial discourse acquired great relevance. Divided into eight sections , some of the highlights were the U -TURN Project Rooms by Mercedes- Benz, curated by Agustín Pérez Rubio, the newly appointed Artistic Director of Malba, and Dixit Petrobras, one of the strongest set of this issue: curated by Andrea Giunta , the selection of more than eighty works of Latin American Artists was based around aesthetics question When does contemporary art begin?; a conference and a publication completed the project.
In line with the theoretical discourse imprint of this edition, the winner of the Programa Jóvenes Curadores Banco Ciudad, Federico Baeza, presented its curatorial project "The end of art". It was a staging, in the words of curator: "in the context of a contemporary art fair, the scene where artistic productions transmute their economic and symbolic values, a play by Rafael Spregelburd sets up centered in the ceaseless reconfigurations of the boundaries of art and the contemporary. "