With a complete program BAphoto auditorium was one of the main attractions of the fair. Figures such as Matías Feldman, Mercedes Funes, Marina Font and Andrés Ditella made of the the auditorium a center for debate and reflection.

The different proposals, organized by Verónica Santalla - cultural manager - and Carolina Baitman, tried to approach photography, its qualities and triggers from other disciplines such as cinema, journalism or dramaturgy. Giving place to the dialogue between public and specialists they established a debate on the photography in the actuality and the different resources that this means contributes us to describe, transform, represent and to create reality.
In addition, the auditorium functioned as a conference room for the presentation of books and photobooks of artists. That was the case of Los Espíritus del Museo (The Museum Spirits), by Andrés Wertheim and Mapa de sueños Latinoamericanos (Map of Latin American Dreams), by Martin Weber. Also, Photobook Tijuana made a selection of artists who presented their works in the space.
The auditorium schedule was closed this afternoon with the participation of Andrés Ditella in a conversation under the title Iluminiados por el olvido (Enlightened by oblivion). Using materials of its authorship, the Argentinean cinema director talked about found footage, a technique he has been exploring for several years for the making of his films. Thus, Ditella explained what the technique consists of and how materials -in this case photographs and video films- found in forgotten garbage cans or drawers are brought back to life, within a new context that revitalizes those memories that someone decided to forget or that he casually lost.