This is the first retrospective in Spain on Bill Brandt (1904-1983), considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. Produced by Fundación MAPFRE and curated by Ramón Esparza, the exhibition brings together 186 photographs developed by Brandt himself who, over the course of five decades, made use of almost all the photographic genres: social documentary, portraiture, the nude and landscape.

Born Hermann Wilhelm Brandt in Hamburg in 1904 to a wealthy family of Russian origin, after a period living in Vienna and Paris Brandt decided to settle in London in 1934. Within the context of growing hostility to all things German due to the rise of Nazism, he attempted to erase all traces of his origins to the point of stating that he was British by nationality. This concealment and the creation of a new personality enveloped Brandt’s life in an aura of mystery and conflict that is directly reflected in his works.
This aspect combines with the photographer’s interest in psychoanalysis, which he underwent during his youth in Vienna. A few years earlier, in 1919, Sigmund Freud had published the essay Das Unheimliche in which he analysed this term, which is generally translated as “the uncanny” in the sense of something that produces unease. Almost all Brandt’s photographs, both the pre-war social documentary type and those from his subsequent more “artistic” phase, possess a powerful poetic charge as well as that very typical aura of strangeness and mystery in which, as in his own life, reality and fiction are always mixed.
Río Cuckmere, 1963. Private collection. Courtesy of Bill Brandt / Bill Brandt Archive Ltd.
Francis Bacon en Primrose Hill, Londres, 1963. Private collection. Courtesy of Bill Brandt / Bill Brandt Archive Ltd.
Sirvienta y sirvienta segunda preparadas para servir la cena, 1936. Private collection. Courtesy of Bill Brandt / Bill Brandt Archive Ltd.
Desnudo, Baie de Anges, Francia. 1959. Private collection. Courtesy of Bill Brandt / Bill Brandt Archive Ltd.
Estación de metro de Elephant and Castle, 1940. Private collection. Courtesy of Bill Brandt / Bill Brandt Archive Ltd.
The structure of the exhibition, which is divided into six sections, reveals how all these qualities—in which identity and the concept of “the uncanny” become the principal ones—blend together in the work of this eclectic artist. Above all Brandt was considered a flâneur or stroller in a way comparable to his admired Eugène Atget, whom he always considered one of his masters. The exhibition also reveals the relationship between Brandt’s images and Dada and Surrealism. This interest is reflected in clear references to psychoanalytical issues, expressed through increasingly sombre tones and an obsession with collecting found objects.
After being shown in Barcelona, the show will travel to the Versicherungskammer Kulturstiftung in Munich, Fundación MAPFRE’s Sala Recoletos in Madrid and the FOAM in Amsterdam.