BAphoto open call for Wabi Sabi art residency
BAphoto, the art fair specialized in photography, opens its call for artists to participate at Wabi Sabi recidency, located on the islands of Tigre, Argentina.

In order to further encourage the promotion and dissemination of photography at the regional level, Buenos Aires Photo in agreement with Wabi Sabi it offers two full scholarships for the residency program in the Tigre Delta.
The residences are individual and have a duration of seven days, during which the scholarship artist can live Wabi Sabi and establish a specific contact (temporal and contextual) with nature, which allows enhancing personal production and lead to reflection on the creative process itself.
Coordinated by Romina Resuche, curator and journalist specializing in photography, residency program offers during those days, different instances of encounter between artist and curator, to keep track of work and stimulate the development of production staff.
Candidates can apply for from 1 July until 25 July 2016. The two winners will be announced on August 1 and residences will be held at the end of that month and in early October, respectively.
Open Call: 1 July 2016
Deadline July 25, 2016
Winners Announced: August 1, 2016
First Residence: from 22 to 29 August 2016
Second Recidence: from 3 to 10 October 2016
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