The exhibition places the matter of "ways of living" in the La Boca area, linking works that reproduce utopias and failures of modernity. Curated by Diana Wechsler, Benedetta Casini and Leandro Martínez Depietri, this new exhibition in Buenos Aires brings together the works of artists from the BIENALSUR Open Call and historical and contemporary artists that make up the collections of the Emilio Pettoruti Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, of the Banco Ciudad, the Benito Quinquela Martín Museum and the IIAC-UNTREF Archive.

These are productions that problematize the promises of technological development and how it has impacted the environment and ways of living in the city.
"The consequences of this developmental drive on the environment and the ways of living of the city represent the focus of interest for the invited artists." explains the exhibition’s curatorial text. “Imaginary cities proliferate as possible alternatives, both in historical and contemporary works. Two key elements in the La Boca area, the housing issue and the contamination of the Riachuelo, work as triggers for broader reflections that, operating between the local and the global, resonate in the territory."
Among the artists from the Open Call, are the Spanish Alfonso Borragán, the Chilean Vivian Castro, the Ecuadorian Luis Chenche and the Argentines Ignacio Unrrein, Facundo de Zuviría, Dolores Casares, Mara Andrea Caso, Constructores de Fuego and Fábrica de Estampas. Regarding the artists from the collections are José Arcidiácono, Alejandro Bonome, Víctor Cúnsolo, Juan Del Prete, Norberto Gómez, Leonardo Gotleyb, Annemarie Heinrich, Ernesto Lanziuto, Germán Leonetti, Otilio Moralejo, Onofrio Pacenza, Jorge Tapia, Emilio Trad , Benito Quinquela Martín, Manuel Yglesias and Pablo Ziccarello.
The exhibition will remain on view until December 12 at the Benito Quinquela Martín Museum, Km 5.4 of BIENALSUR.
BIENALSUR now has its online broadcast BIENALSUR.TV of free access and with more than 300 hours of exclusive audiovisual content. The platform is a window to the contemporary artistic-cultural scene and contains debates and dialogues with its key figures, tours of the BIENALSUR exhibitions, the behind-the-scenes of its projects and reflections by the participating artists and curators. These contents are curated by the artistic director of BIENALSUR, Diana Wechsler, and its realization is in charge of UNTREF Media. The public will be able to find high-quality audiovisual pieces organized in different categories: Documentaries, Inaugurations, Meetings, Dialogues, Thoughts and Projects.