“A journey, an exploration and an homage to private collecting in Colombia.” I Wanna Be With You is a group exhibition that investigates the concepts of contact, interaction, communication, proximity, exchange, strategies of collaboration. On the other hand, isolation, seclusion, social distance, detachment, and separation. The project pays homage to some of the most prestigious Colombian private collections while offering an unusual itinerary of Colombian and international art history from the 1970s till now. Therefore, highlighting how private collections are a vital part of the art-system and an alternative yet exciting way of approaching and experiencing art.

Since its appearance, COVID-19 has suddenly changed our entire way of life, forcing Colombia to the most prolonged isolation in the world. Many countries are still experiencing different measures, enforcing social distancing to slow down the pandemic. Choreographies and liturgies connected to the body were transformed radically, as well as our daily basis activities. Staying indoors, working from home, and avoiding social gatherings are still vividly encouraged, if not imposed, almost everywhere in the world.
Priscila Mongue. (Costa Rica, 1968) No debo llorar, 1999. Óleo sobre pastel. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
"Marina Abramovic. (Serbia, 1946) Dozing Consciousness, 1997. Colección particular. Video.
Jorge Macchi. Citas, recuerdos y destinos, 2011. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Karen Lamassone. Sin título, 1977. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
“Historically, the act of collecting has always been a mirror of culture . It’s a complex and intriguing phenomenon, capable of revealing exciting insights about society: its desires, motivations, needs, obsessions, aspirations, and ambitions”, explains Claudia Hakim, Museum Director.
Juan Fernando Herrán. This Could Be A Place Of Historical Importance, 2000-2002. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Regina Silveira. Enchufe. De la serie Eclipses. (2005). Colección La Bodega - San Felipe. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo.
I Wanna Be With You, whose title is borrowed from the eponymous Rineke Dijkstra’s work (Annemiek - I Wanna Be With You, 1997), brings the viewer closer to works that are not easily visible since they are rarely displayed publicly. It offers new incentives for delving into the idea of a collection and therefore of a museum as a place that challenges conventional narratives, while providing a critical approach to the junction between the public dimension of a museum and the intimacy of private collections.
“I Wanna Be With You offers a wide range of visual associations, short circuits between artists of different generations, geographic provenances, and approaches, linked by formal assonances or poetic intuitions. Thus, allowing masters of contemporary art to dialogue with emerging artists in a surprising continuity, sustained by a playfully eccentric coherence”, comments Eugenio Viola, Chief Curator MAMBO.
Fernando Pareja y Leidy Chávez. Vitrina. 2010. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Ana Tiscornia(Montevideo, 1951) . For Instance, 2011. Silla intervenida.Colección Jorge Di Terlizzi. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Helena Almeida (Portugal, 1934). Sin título. (2010) Colección particular. Video. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Miguel Ángel Rojas. Freddy, 1979 – 2014. Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Exposición Quiero Estar Contigo. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Gilmour, Ethel. (Cleveland, 1940) 2000. Instalación. Colección Proyecto Bachue . Exposición Quiero estar Contiigo.