In addition to Clorindo Testa’s individual exhibition, the Fine Arts National Museum (MNBA) of Buenos Aires (Argentina) inaugurates En Tránsito. Fotografías de la colección del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (In Transit. Photographs from the Fine Arts National Museum collection). After passing through Córdoba and Mendoza provinces, the photographs of Henri Cartier Bresson, Graciela Iturbide and Sara Facio, among other renowned artists who make up the MNBA collection, will be exhibited since tomorrow on the second floor of the museum.

Curated by Verónica Tell, the exhibition is presented under two thematic axes: Cities and their worlds, on the one hand, and Subjectivity Forms, on the other. "The first is a selection of photographs that focus on urban scenes: in the city as a physical, symbolic and political space; how the city is inhabited in a personal way; and in the universes that the photographer discovers and cuts while searching for the image he wants to capture. The second nucleus focuses on the various forms of the portrait and includes images of personalities, self-portraits, photographs of family groups, nudes and ethnographic records, "they explained from the MNBA.
Additionally, to bringing a unique collection to understand the beginnings and development of photography as an artistic expression in Argentina -with names such as Horacio Coppola and Annemarie Heinrich-, En Tránsito. Fotografías de la colección del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes shows essential photographs of international artists to follow the history of a medium that is very much in vogue in the national and international contemporary scene. Also, from the museum team they explained that this exhibition highlights the realization of one of the fundamental actions put forward this year: consolidate a decentralization policy that put into circulation for the country part of the collection of the museum, with the aim of expanding its universe of recipients and give greater visibility to the collection.
MNBA director Andrés Duprat, said: "The photo unites, without paradox, the idea of eternity to the transience of situations, which, captured and highlighted in their purest significant power, become crystallizations of time. “We do not look at a city in the same way after Horacio Coppola or the splendor of the erotic bodies after Mapplethorpe. We do not even conceive the very idea of the portrait without the work of pioneers like Cartier Bresson, in a series that in our country is prolonged in Anatole Sadermann, Annemarie Heinrich or Sara Facio, ".
With this inauguration tomorrow, December 11th, plus Clorindo Testa’s retrospective and Turner’s watercolors, the MNBA of Buenos Aires gathers three must-see exhibitions to visit during the summer.