By Ohne Titel presents Zeitgeist at Bienalsur

With Zeitgeist, The French-Argentine artist intends to democratize art and at the same time to generate some kind of altruism.

By Ohne Titel presents Zeitgeist at Bienalsur

To overturn the conventional relationship between art and the public, I offer my art because I believe in the concept of ‘value is in the eye of the beholder’.

What you see happening with music, books, YouTube, I believe is today’s way to reach out the most without the conventional structures. Challenging mainstream channels, I present a model based on exchange and sharing, that values the creative process as much as the work itself.

During the #BienalSur, I will post a daily challenge / game on Instagram (@byohnetitel) conceding visitors from all over the globe, to gain an art work per day.


I want everyone to be able to see the work, and if they really want it, to have it.