By Ohne Titel presents Zeitgeist at Bienalsur
With Zeitgeist, The French-Argentine artist intends to democratize art and at the same time to generate some kind of altruism.

To overturn the conventional relationship between art and the public, I offer my art because I believe in the concept of ‘value is in the eye of the beholder’.
What you see happening with music, books, YouTube, I believe is today’s way to reach out the most without the conventional structures. Challenging mainstream channels, I present a model based on exchange and sharing, that values the creative process as much as the work itself.
During the #BienalSur, I will post a daily challenge / game on Instagram (@byohnetitel) conceding visitors from all over the globe, to gain an art work per day.
I want everyone to be able to see the work, and if they really want it, to have it.