Casa Hoffmann is an exhibition space in the city of Bogotá, dedicated to producing and exhibiting research in contemporary art commissioned to curators or researchers. Its exhibition cycle is consolidated in curatorial projects in which dialogue axes are established between proposals by local and international artists. The space promotes a line of research at the intersection between art, science and technology, making room for interdisciplinary, experimental and innovative proposals.

For PINTA Miami 2020, Casa Hoffmann presents three artists and a collective that, through their artistic investigations, share unknowns with those scientists dedicated to investigating the relationship between nature and space. Art and science, areas that could seem totally divergent, have shared throughout the history of humanity the vocation to try to decipher the origin and existence of the universe.
The proposal of the artist Alba Triana, focuses on exploring the primordial intelligence of nature. Her works, which are musically conceived and include interactive installations, resonant spaces, sound and light sculptures, and vibrational objects, are hybrids and cross the boundaries of a diverse set of disciplines.
The work of the artist María José Leaño, a researcher in Biomimicry, delves into her interest in pollination by using images taken with confocal microscopy. Her project investigates smart and sustainable materials, inspired by nature. The evolution of her work goes from the textile printing of floral themes and micrographs, to the 3D printing of pollen grains.
Alba Triana - Delirious Fields - Suspended spheres in variable electromagnetic fields - 170 x 48 x 48 cm
Alba Triana - Luminous Phrase A1L5 - visible and audible sound installation | vibrational sculpture - 40 x 135 x 30 cm
Alba Triana – Microcosmos - vibrational sculpture | installation - variable dimensions
María José Leaño - Heliconius heurippa butterfly wing scales - Electron Sweep Microscopy (MEB). - 100 x 75 cm
María José Leaño - Dianthus spp. pollen surface - Electron Sweep Microscopy (MEB). - 100 x 75 cm
María José Leaño - Dione glycera butterfly egg - Electron Sweep Microscopy (MEB). - 100 x 75 cm
The research of the artist Andrés Moreno Hoffmann proposes a plastic reflection which confronts multiple spatial dimensions in a two-dimensional plane. It poses a three-dimensional world, which describes more dimensions than we are capable of observing. The artist is inspired by the theory of superstrings where thin strings vibrate, impossible to distinguish due to their microscopic sizes.
Atractor Estudio is an interdisciplinary group of artists who mediate their proposal through analog and digital technology. From the creation of algorithms, Atractor designs and develops installations and large-format visual experiences, starting from concepts that blur the boundaries between art and science.
Supralunar | Atractor Estudio from Casa Hoffmann on Vimeo.
Andrés Moreno Hoffmann - Mitosis 01 - Oil on canvas - 93 x 146 cm
Andrés Moreno Hoffmann – South - Oil on canvas - 146 x 114 cm
Andrés Moreno Hoffmann – West - Oil on canvas - 146 x 114 cm
Atractor Estudio: Juan José López, Alejandro Villegas, Juan Camilo Quiñones y Juan Cortés - Procedural Landscape - Paper, mirrors, LED lights, programming interface and wood box - 80 x 17 x 12 cm - 2017
Atractor Estudio: Juan José López, Alejandro Villegas, Juan Camilo Quiñones y Juan Cortés - Langton’s Ant - Led ligths, relays and micro-controller powered by Langton's ant algorithm - 2019
Atractor Estudio: Juan José López, Alejandro Villegas, Juan Camilo Quiñones y Juan Cortés – Supralunar - Custom built mechanism in metal, plastic and acrylic; Arduino; LED lights - Variable dimensions