At El Tranque Cultural Center (Chile), since August 31, an individual exhibition is held in honor of Roser Bru, the Catalan artist recognized in 2016 with the National Prize of Plastic Arts. Vínculos y complicidades (Links and complicities), carried out in the neighborhood of Lo Barnechea has the curatorship of Beatriz Huidobro Hott.

Under an exceptional curatorial work, Bru's work is described through comparisons with great artists such as Francisco de Goya, Frida Kahlo or Diego Velásquez. Vínculos y complicidades is composed of seventeen paintings and engravings, most of them from the Catalan artist's own workshop.
"We talk about complicities because the references go beyond the visual aspect. They also imply a complicity with the thinking and circumstances of other artists and other cultures. The techniques can change, but the themes are maintained: it is always the same motives that move her. That is why we have structured the curatorship in three areas: women, politics and death, "explained Beatriz Huidobro.
Taking the figure of the woman as the central axis, the quotations appear to the works of Kahlo, but also dialoguing with works of antiquity: Caryatids (2008), for example alludes to the columns of ancient Greece, typically occupied by female figures carved without arms; or it is also the case of La dama de Elche (1986), Bru's version of one of the most famous sculptures of the Iberian culture, a bust of a woman with fantastic ornaments.
"Roser has an enormous trajectory and a large volume of work. We chose the works within that enormous amount of pieces, taking into account their state of preservation and what was best integrated with the themes raised by the curator, "explains Agna Aguadé, daughter of Roser Bru.
The exhibition will be open until October 28, 2018. In addition, between September and October there will be a conversation with the curator and two workshops for children, as well as guided tours for the general public every Saturday.