Until October 27th, at Lina Bo Bardi’s Institute, Claudia Jaguaribe exhibition In Lina’s garden, moves from one pole to another, configuring in that multiplicity of dichotomies (public-private, universal-intimate, etc.) a conspiracy of what is found in the artistic medium.

Through plastic and sculptural interventions, Jaguaribe imitates, on the one hand, the design of the house -mainly its structural elements such as windows and columns-; on the other, it generates a visual and material antagonism that manifests itself in the polarization of the exhibition.
In Lina’s garden is an intervention in the architectural environment "introducing the idea of natural order and architectural omnipotence", explains Diego Matos. This, through three elementary compositions: the imitation of the trunks, the invention of pilasters damaged by the use of the house and a structure that illustrates the relationship of the garden with the interior of the house. Thus, the Brazilian artist establishes a fictitious natural environment where the dichotomies flourish - the tannic and the architectural, for example - to bring the viewer closer to the details in that relationship.
In this way, Jaguaribe proposes a reconciliation of modernist rigor (predictable and controlled) with the tropical environment (isolated and immoderate). The photographer invites the viewer to observe between the architectural and the natural.
Curated by Diego Matos, In Lina’s garden is open to the public until October 27th at Lina Bo Bardi’s Glass House, in São Paulo, Brazil.