The EFG Latin America Art Award, in partnership with ArtNexus, presented the ArtBo nominated artist as a finalist for its annual acquisition award. Clemencia Echeverri from Bogotá, represented by Rolf Art gallery, Buenos Aires, adds up to the list of selected artists. The winner will be announced at Pinta Miami during Art Week in Miami.

Based on the research for her large-scale project Sin cielo, Clemencia Echeverri created the works DESBORDE 2 and SUB_TERRA, which review the effects of mining on the landscape. For this reason, she subverts the aesthetic conventions of this traditional pictorial genre, which was concerned with allowing the viewer a peaceful identification with the world to confront it with a fracturing of the horizon that returns the viewer's gaze. What should be below is now above and vice versa, in such a way that what was a place that sheltered life is now a non-place that refuses to do so.
Echeverri’s work was selected as the ArtBo’s nominated artist with the collaboration of Jaime Cerón, Curator of the Museo Nacional de Colombia, jointly with Celia Sredni de Birbragher, Director and Editor of ArtNexus.
The EFG Latin America Award, now in its thirteenth edition, was created to support a Latin American artist, previously pre-selected through a juried process in Latin American contemporary art fairs running throughout each year. The award aims to promote Latin American visual arts production and increase awareness of regional fairs among collectors worldwide.
This year’s nominated artists are selected at the fairs: SP Arte, São Paulo; PArC, Lima; arteba, Buenos Aires; and ArtBo, Bogotá.
As in previous years, once each of the finalists in the participating art fairs are nominated, the winning artist will be selected and announced in Pinta Miami during Art Week in Miami. EFG Capital will acquire a work of art from one of the nominated artists to incorporate the permanent display collection at the EFG Capital’s Miami offices.
Clemencia Echeverri. Desborde 2 and Sub_terra, 2017
Desborde 2: Altered Photograph. 83.8 x 43.3 in. Unique Piece.
Sub-Terra: Single channel video Full HD. 6'. Edition 5 + 2 AP
Artwork created from the territory of the work SIN CIELO.
Location: Municipality of Marmato, Caldas. Gold mining. Courtesy: Rolf Art