Call for applications: Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts
The Museum of Contemporary Arts Detroit (MOCAD) is excited to announce a new initiative, the Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts.

The Museum of Contemporary Arts Detroit (MOCAD) is excited to announce a new initiative, the Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts. For recent graduates and those in the process of earning a graduate degree in Art History or a related field, with emphasis on modern or contemporary art, the Fellowship is open to all applicants with a specific goal of diversifying programming and shaping the artistic vision of MOCAD
The Fellows are required to reside in Detroit during the duration of the Fellowship. They must reside within the city limits by the beginning of their fellowship and maintain residency within Detroit for the entire duration. Fellows are encouraged to have personal transportation as Detroit is a large city, and the majority of areas are without convenient access to public transportation.
The Curatorial Fellowship position will cross into all departments at MOCAD and will be centered in the Exhibitions Department. The Fellows will report directly to Executive Director Elysia Borowy Reeder, with extensive professional development mentoring from Jens Hoffmann, Suzanne Feld Hilberry Senior Curator at Large, and Zeb Smith, Exhibitions Manager.
As a portion of the application process applicants should propose a reimagining of the DETROIT CITY series at MOCAD that would continue to showcase local artists while building emphasis on diverse perspectives within contemporary art on the local and global level.
Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in all phases of exhibition development, including research; checklist development; studio visits; lender and artist relations; publication rights and reproductions; writing texts for didactics, blogs, and the member magazine; floor plan development; installation; and development of public programs related to exhibitions. Fellows will also assist with other departmental needs including exhibitions research, preparation for presentations, leading tours, and donor relations.
MOCAD sees the Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts as core to the mission of the Museum, which is to be a place where adventurous minds encounter the best in contemporary visual, literary, music, and performing arts. A responsive center for diverse audiences, MOCAD presents art that contextualizes, interprets, educates and expands culture, pushing us to the edges of contemporary experience. A long term goal of the fellowship program is for future alumni to go on to obtain prominent roles within museums throughout the world.
The Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts will offer a salary of 40,000 USD/year plus a 5,000 USD research allocation per year for travel related to professional development activities or relocation to Detroit, and excellent benefits. This is a full time commitment.
Curatorial Fellowship applications will be due by September 30, 2016, and the Fellowship will take place at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit in the City Detroit for 12 months from January 1 through December 31, 2017. Potential applicants should review the position description on MOCAD's website and submit a cover letter, resume, and one writing sample by email to or by mail to Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, 4454 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48201.