Call for proposals from artist based in Latin America for site-specific intervention in Lima
Centro Abierto. Site-specific Interventions in Downtown Lima is a public art exhibition that will take place June 8–17, 2012. In recent years a number of initiatives have been undertaken to renovate downtown Lima to a growing metropolis of over 8 million inhabitants. Within this framework, the city center has become a site with great potential for the development of contemporary art projects.

With this in mind, Alta Tecnología Andina (ATA), Fundación Telefónica and the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) launched in 2009 a public art project for artists currently based in Latin American countries.
In 2012 Centro Abierto has transitioned from being exclusively an open call into a curatorial project, in which contemporary creators have been specially invited to develop four site-specific interventions, establishing a circuit for Lima’s passersby to encounter works that address the city’s past and present.
While some commissions will engage with historic or even mythical aspects of the configuration of the city and its surroundings, others will explore its possible futures—either from a perspective akin to science fiction or with a poetic and conceptual approach—inviting citizens to imagine new ways of understanding Lima’s urban space. Centro Abierto aims to promote the development of contemporary works that stimulate new ways of understanding artistic interventions in the public space, beyond traditional ideas that constrain the notion of public art to that of the monument.
Curatorial team
Tatiana Cuevas (Mexico D.F. 1975), Jorge Villacorta (Lima 1958) and Sharon Lerner (Lima, 1979).
Selection committee
Pedro Pablo Alayza, Department of Cultural Affairs, Metropolitan Municipality of Lima; Tatiana Cuevas, Independent curator; Lucía García de Polavieja, Manager of cultural projects, Fundación Telefónica; Sharon Lerner, Curator of contemporary art, MALI; and Jorge Villacorta, Independent curator and President of ATA.
Commissioned projects
Teresa Burga (Iquitos, 1935); Raimond Chaves (Bogotá, 1963) and Gilda Mantilla (Los Angeles, 1967); Elio Martuccelli (Lima, 1968) and Héctor Zamora (México, D.F., 1974). Further to these commissions, there will be one additional project selected from the open call.
Artists are invited to present site-specific projects for possible locations at Plaza Mayor, Jirón de la Unión, Parque de la Democracia as well as the facade of the Sudamericana building. Artists can also suggest an additional location for the development of their work in the nearby areas of Plaza San Martin and Plaza Mayor.
Proposals by individual artists or collectives are welcome. All projects must be original (not previously produced) and should adhere to the language and means of contemporary art.
The selection committee will choose one project, which will receive USD 10,000 for production, installation and dismantling of the work and a USD 1,000 fee for the artist or collective. Artists not living in Lima will also receive support for one air ticket as well as accommodation for up to fifteen days for one person during the production and installation of the work.
The selected project will be presented together with the four commissioned works from June 8 to June 17 as part of Centro Abierto 2012.
Important Dates
April 13: deadline for the Online registration (, proposals will be received until 23:00 hours (UTC/GMT -5h) April 13, 2012
May: The selected project will be announced.
May 21–June 7: Production and installation of works
June 8–June 17: Exhibition of site-specific work during Centro Abierto 2012.