Ch.ACO Art Fair
has established itself as the great platform of contemporary art in Chile
A move to the Estación Mapocho, the stringency in the selection of galleries, the large turnout of visitors and the wide range of international galleries are some of the attractions that made this the most successful edition in the history of the foundation.
Santiago, September 14, 2011. - After the close of the third version of 2011 Ch.ACO Art Fair, the figures are lively. More than 40 000 visits, high rates of sales of works and a remarkable reception from the audience, are some of the impressions that were collected at the Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho, civic and cultural hub where the directors of the show wanted to offer a closer look and inclusive cross, about contemporary art in Chile.

"We exceeded expectations and the figures of the first and second year of the fair. The call was very good and galleries have adapted very well to the new space, which we are very happy. Given the good results, we are working to make the fourth version of the show at this place during October of 2012, which confirm at the time”, says Irene Abujatum, one of the Ch.ACO directors, along with Soledad Saieh and Elodie Fulton.
The arrival of Ch.ACO to Mapocho Cultural Center is certainly one of the main attributes that had the show this year, civic center from which sought mainstream culture. "Not only was positive in terms of location, but it was a privilege to mount an exhibition in a heritage building, with as much history as the Mapocho Cultural Center, with plenty of space, amazing lighting and connected with so many important urban areas of the city" said Elodie Fulton, architect and Ch.ACO director.
On the other hand, the reception of visitors was even better than expected, as say many galleries. "Beyond the sale, we had a very good journey with people. The Chilean listen, question, it is obvious that you are interested in knowing, which is very satisfactory as an art dealer", says Alicia Sierra, Sicardi gallery representative.
Relating to works, aviary of Christian Salineros, sold by AFA Gallery, in 6 million Chilean pesos (approx.), butterflies by Damien Hirst, sold 5 million Chilean pesos each (approx.). And " No History Series", by Voluspa Jarpa, sold by Isabel Aninat Gallery, are some of the more than 400 works on display presented in 2011 Ch.ACO Fair, which won the red dot (mark used in the art market to identify the works acquired).
As one of the keys to the success of the project, highlights the great synergy accomplished by Ch.ACO with public and private entities. In the opinion of one of its directors, reflected in that "none of this could have been achieved without the continued support of many companies and institutions that supported our programs and projects, and aligning with the mission of promoting culture and arts in Chile", said Soledad Saieh.
The arrival in Chile by leading curators and critics of contemporary art, who formed a central part of the game, bringing his vision and experience, to dialogue about culture, was also one of the highlights. Chus Martínez (Documenta 2012 curator), Iria Candela (Tate Modern curator) and Dolors Sala Fenes (Pompidou curator) are some of the most renowned professionals who addressed issues such as procurement policies, collections and cultural backgrounds. Soledad Saieh said.
It is important to underline the artistic gamble Ch.ACO Fair held during its third version, which included both national and international galleries. The selection was by the endorsement of an editorial committee composed of Alma Ruiz, Maria Lovino and Gustavo Arroniz, very important representatives of the visual arts. In this sense, the proposals include galleries as GKO (Basque Country), AB Projects (Canada), Pepe Cobo (Spain) and Ginocchio (Mexico), plus the young artistic commitment, represented by galleries such as Die Ecke, Plop, New Chilean Graphics and Mobile.
Finally, it is important to highlight Ch.ACO Tour, and Safe Mobile Ch.ACO Naked Project, initiatives developed in downtown Santiago, bringing culture to the streets, overturning through art, Santiago resident routines.