Córdoba will host the Arts Market next August
A federal prize for best art intervention in public space is underway, and the call for emerging contemporary art protagonists ended.

For the third consecutive year, Córdoba will host the most important contemporary art fair outside Buenos Aires. It will take place from August 19 to 23, 2015 atCabildoHistóricoand in tents at San Martin square, organized by the city hall together with Pro Arte Cordoba Foundation.
“This fair is not an isolated event; it is conceived as a long term strategy to position the city of Córdoba in the Latin-American contemporary art scene.Its location at a geographical center allows us to picture the city as a meeting point for the projects of the region”, stated Natalia Albanese, General Director of Cultural Development and Cooperation of Córdoba, the person in charge of organizing this activity destined to enrich the cultural calendar of the area.
“ Our goal this year is to strengthen the presence of other provinces in the fair and to raise the possibility of an Exchange between the actors that have been working across the country”, added Albanese.
The galleries and cultural organizations chosen by the selection committees or especially invited by the curators will take part in the different sections of the fair.The Main Zone will house the most well-known galleries of the province together with others from the rest of the country selected by the Selection Committee; and the Bonino Zone, where there will be emerging organizations and newer galleries, with more experimental practices, and with Gustavo Piñeroas curator and Lucas Despósitoas coordinator. There has already been a call for this segment (read more: http://cultura.cordoba.gov.ar/2015/07/hoy-vence-la-convocatoria-para-las-galerias-de-zona-bonino).
This year, the fair will also offer the ZonaEditada section, where there will be many alternative publishers related to arts practices, understanding text as the backbone of the creation and analysis of contemporary art.
Besides,there will be an auditorium hosting three types of debates delving into art editing, residencies and curatorship for emerging organizations. On the other hand, extra activities such as talks with curators and artists, meetings with collectors, the program to visit galleries and artists will allow us to re discover Córdoba’s art,but no longer closed but in constant dialog with the national scene. The first step towards the realization of this Project was the creation of this new prize for artists nationwide (Read more: http://cultura.cordoba.gov.ar/2015/06/abrio-la-convocatoria-del-premio-federal-de-arte-contemporaneo-intervencion-en-espacio-publico)
“We hope this edition brings together as many agents and artists in Argentina like previous editionsand that it becomes a success for the audience, gathering around 90’000 visitors like in previous fairs”, said Albanese.