Crack Rodríguez, Veronica Vides and Victor Hugo Portillo present their works at VideoSUR, a video art program organized by Artesur at “Le Tarmac” Palais de Tokyo, Paris
From Here to There, curated by YES Contemporary's Claire Breukel and Lucas Arevalo, features three video works by Salvadoran artists Crack Rodríguez, Veronica Vides and Victor Hugo Portillo, as part of VideoSUR, a video art program organized by Artesur at “Le Tarmac” Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.

The Palais de Tokyo once again welcomes Artesur (after Collective Fictions in 2013) with a video art program designed in the style of a kaleidoscope.
For Video SUR, the Artesur team has invited independent structures and collectives active on the continent to offer a selection of artists' videos. Plural and multipolar, this program offers an immersion in the contemporary Latin American scene through the eyes of the actors who make the artistic life of the continent, encourage and support it. The opportunity to discover many artists, and with them, places and networks that accompany them in their research and experimentation.
Artesur is a site dedicated to the contemporary creation of Latin America founded by the independent curator Albertine de Galbert. Hosted by Beam Prod, Artesur has been designing curatorial and cultural cooperation projects since 2010. Conception and coordination of Video SUR: Ananay Arango and Elena Lespes Muñoz
La Embajada – México. Artistas: Melissa Guevara - Jesús Hdez-Güero - María Raquel Check - Edgar León - Guillermo Habacuc Vargas - Regina José Galindo - David Pérez Karmadavis - Antonio Pichillá - Deborah Castillo - Jason Mena - Enrique Ježík
Proyectos Ultravioleta – Guatemala. Artistas: Johanna Unzueta - Javier Bosques - Hellen Ascoli - Alberto Rodríguez COLLIA - Jessica Cairo - Jorge León - Gabriel Rodríguez - David Pérez Karmadavis - Manual Chavajay
TEOR / etica - Costa Rica. Artistas: Lucia Madriz - Stephanie Williams - Robert Guerrero - Roberto Guerrero - Marton Robinson
Despacio - Costa Rica. Artistas: Carlos Fernández - Javier Calvo - Abigail Reyes
Espira – Nicaragua. Artistas: Darling, López Salinas - Miguel Díaz - Elyla sinvergüenza - Patricia Belli - María Félix Morales - Ricardo Huezo - Federico Alvarado - Virginia PAGUAGA
(BIS) Oficina de proyectos – Colombia. Artistas: Ana Maria Millan - Colectivo Maski - Adrián Gaitán - Juan Obando - Alberto Lezaca - Monika Bravo - Gustavo Toro - Tatiana Zambrano - Roberto Ochoa - Lina Rodríguez Vásquez
CaldodeCultivo - Colombia
Micromuseo – Perú. Artistas: Ana Rosa Benavides - Christian Bendayan - Patricia Bueno, Susana Torres - Integro - Chiara Machiavello - Jaime Miranda Bambarén, Erasmo Wong Seoane - Carlos Morelli, Melissa Herrera - Carmen Reátegui - Carlos Runcie Tanaka - Giancarlo Scaglia - Maya Watanabe - Moico Yaker
Residência Artística Cambridge – Brasil
Artistas: Ícaro Lira, Isadora Brant y Fernanda Taddei
OLHO – Brasil. Artistas: Letícia Ramos - Ana Vaz - Tamar Guimarães
Galería Ruby – Argentina. Artistas: Malena Pizani - Josefina Labourt - Julian Gatto
Y.ES Contemporary – Salvador. Artistas: Verónica Vides - Crack Rodriguez - Victor Hugo Portillo
Arte Actual FLACSO – Ecuador. Artistas: IrinaLilianaGm - Valeria Andrade - Alex Schlenker - Jose Antonio Guayasamín
BARRO Arte Contemporáneo – Argentina. Artistas: Amalia Ulman - Agustina Woodgate - Nicola Costantino - Martín Legón
Die Ecke – Chile. Artistas: Nicolas Rupcich - Claudia Joskowitz - Enrique Ramirez - Marcela Moraga - Johanna Unzueta - Francisca Benítez - Catalina Baeur - Alejandra Prieto
El Ene – Argentina. Artistas: Nina Kovensky - Sofía Gallisá Muriente - Leandro Tartaglia, Francisco Márquez, Santiago Villanueva - Básica Tv - Fernanda Pinta Federico Baeza