Solidary and self-managed campaign, running from May 19th to 31st. To take part, go to www.dibujosxamazonia.org
Drawings for the Amazon brings together a volunteer group of visual artists to help the indigenous Amazon communities in Peru, who are going through difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
All funds raised will be directed to three social organizations that have a decisive role in communication, assistance and help in the health emergency: The Apostolic Vicariate of Iquitos, Ucamara Radio in Nauta, and Coshikox (Shipibo-Konibo and Xetebo Council) in Pucallpa.
More than 250 artists have donated more than 400 original works in A4 format (approximate), which will be distributed among the project donors. Each of them has provided one or more drawings, with their own interpretation of the project’s approach, but with a common commitment of avoiding the possible ethnocide denounced by indigenous liders and institutions dedicated to the protection of the Amazon.
By contributing with a fee of US$ 150, you will receive a link to discover which work was selected for you, through an automated system in the form of a raffle. The project is inspired by the Brazilian project 300 Desenhos.
According to Ronald Suarez, documentary filmmaker, Shipibo leader and president of Coshikox: “There are no jobs, no income sources. There is no possibility of selling food, goods, medicinal plants or crafts. There are no shamanic ceremonies. Now there is COVID-19 in the communities, with many more cases than the Peruvian authorities want to confirm. No evidence, no medical attention. The State’s tendency of attending to indigenous communities last has always had deadly consequences. There is a real fear that this could be devastating to Shipibo-Konibo communities as for other indigenous communities in the Amazon. Shipibo medicine has helped countless people around the world. It is time to help the healers heal.”
In the words of Olinda Silvano, artist and leader of the Shipiba community in Cantagallo: “The art that we make is very important to support in this difficult moment that our indigenous communities live in, we do it with much love. As a Shipiba woman I have no money to donate to them, but I can make my art because with it I can make money and thus help my people who are in need, have no medicine, have no food. Our art can save their lives.”
*cover drawing: Genietta Varsi - Procesamiento de las aguas - Collage, lapicero y lápiz sobre papel - 20 x 26,5 cm - 2019