Del Paseo Gallery inaugurated "Varations", a collective exhibition of contemporary Peruvian artists
Del Paseo Gallery inaugurated "Varations", a collective exhibition of contemporary Peruvian artists
"Varations" is a show that brings together 12 artists from the contemporary Peruvian scene, whose production configures an x-ray of the diverse searches and processes of local artistic practice, and which takes place simultaneously in the venues of Punta del Este (Uruguay) and Lima (Perú).

The revision of the past to understand the present is patented in a strong search for the autochthonous or original, which becomes visible in the enhancement of pre-hispanic cultures from the recovery of their techniques and rituals as is the case of the series "The Molotov Party" by Pati Camet, the "Bases" by Alice Wagner, "Fragment (of the sun)" de Patricia Villanueva and the postcolonial discourse that puts into question the dichotomy civilization / barbarism in the series "South / North" by Claudia Coca.
The territory as a space of tensions and transformations is evident in "Huaca Santa Catalina Huanca" by Edi Hirose, "Impossible landscape" by Lorena Noblecilla, as well as in "Continuous variables" by Billy Hare, a work of great visual complexity where the units they are repeated and recombined, accentuating the variation between similarities.
Finally, the concept of art is questioned from the same artistic practice and its possibilities of representation as is the case of "Artifice I" by Diego Lama, " Landscape synthesis" by Sylvia Fernández, "Improbable" by Maricel Delgado, "00000" by Fernando Prieto and "S / T" from the series Stains by Ivana Ferrer.
Luisa Fernanda Lindo
General Borgoño 770, Miraflores
Tel: + (511) 751 9802