El Ranchito /Matadero Madrid - Calling for Residences and Work Spaces for Artists

Matadero Madrid, through its project El Ranchito, is promoting a new open call aimed at facilitating the creation of collaborative networks and fostering artistic production by providing residencies for artists and making work spaces available. This project is directed towards artists and cultural agents from any creative or artistic field, who reside or develop their activity mainly in Madrid.

 Matadero Madrid

There are two non-exclusive ways to participate:

Residencies: Four residencies are provided for artists (whether national or international) who do not reside in Madrid, and who have been recommended by artists or cultural agents who reside in the city in order to develop a joint or collaborative project. The residencies last three to six weeks, and they are hosted between May and December 2011. The project resulting from the residency will enjoy additional financial support for its production, and it will form part of the activities of El Ranchito.

Work spaces for artists: Different work modules are available for the city’s artists and collectives requiring them to develop a new project over a period of three months maximum. In addition to the spaces assigned individually, there will be shared work spaces, and common meeting spaces.

Applications should be sent to elranchito@mataderomadrid.org, no later than April 29. The terms of the call can be downloaded here.

El Ranchito is a cultural proposal involving a research project promoted by Matadero Madrid in collaboration with other artistic agents in the city of Madrid; it includes a space for reflection, a residency program, a public presentation section, and a program of satellite activities.

Currently, El Ranchito’s residency program is hosting the group Teorija Koja Hoda/Walking Theory. During their stay in Madrid, Walking Theory is developing an investigation on the contemporary scene in Madrid with the intention of identifying the different scenic discourses- modern or historic- that exist in the city, as well as the way in which they function, and their methodology.

On Friday, April 15, 2011, Teorija Koja Hoda/Walking Theory will hold a conference where they will explain their research, and they will share the work that they have done during their stay in Madrid. If you are interested in contacting them during their stay, contact us at elranchito@mataderomadrid.org. Until April 29.