Entre Siempre y Jamás (Between Always and Never), the Exhibition of the Latin American Pavilion
IILA at the 54th International Biennale di Venezia
Entre siempre y jamás (Between Always and Never) will be the title of the exhibition at The Latin American Pavilion organized by the Italo-Latin American Institute, IILA, for the 54th International Biennale di Venezia. Since 1972, this institute has organized such venue.
During the upcoming Biennale the exhibition will bring together for the first time artists from all the countries of Latin America, proposing an experimental project on the culture of the continent. As in the previous edition, the pavilion will be housed inside the Arsenale.

IILA is enjoying the work of a team of Latin American and European experts, such as the IILA Cultural Secretary, Patricia Rivadeneira, Commissioner of the "Latin American Pavilion", and Alfons Hug, invited by IILA as Curator of the Pavilion. Hug was curator of the Bienal de São Paulo in 2002 and 2004 and the Bienal del Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia, in 2009. At the moment he lives in Río de Janeiro, where he heads the Goethe-Institut, institutional partner of this exhibition.
The exhibition is entitled “Entre Siempre y Jamás” (Between always and never), a quote from a poem by the Uruguay writer Mario Benedetti, and is dedicated to the Latin American Bicentenary of Independence, recovering the significance of that independence and its cultural patrimony, articulating through art the temporal and local echoes that stem from it.
The artists participating in this exhibition have explored the length and breadth of Latin America. They’ve visited small, tranquil towns in the hinterland of various countries, the crowded and overflowing megalopolis firmly rooted in the past as well as the modern metropolis that have entirely up-rooted all vestiges of history.
Using contemporary resources, they’ve explored all 200 years of Latin American independence. The works on show recount the cultural, social and political worlds experienced by the contemporary American states. The artists invited to reflect on this theme are: Leticia El Halli Obeid (Argentina), Narda Alvarado (Bolivia), Neville D´Almeida (Brasil), Sebastián Preece (Chile), Juan Fernando Herrán (Colombia), Sila Chanto (Costa Rica), Reynier Leyva Novo (Cuba), María Rosa Jijón (Ecuador), Walterio Iraheta (El Salvador), Regina José Galindo (Guatemala), Cultural example of voodoo patrimony (Haiti), Adán Vallecillo (Honduras), Julieta Aranda (Mexico),Rolando Castellón (Nicaragua), Humberto Vélez (Panamá), Claudia Casarino (Paraguay), Fernando Gutiérrez (Perú), David Pérez Karmadavis (Dominican Republic), Martín Sastre (Uruguay), Alexander Apóstol (Venezuela).
In addition, because IILA's institutional aims include promoting cultural relations between Latin America, Italy and Europe, the exhibition project includes a number of artists who in Latin America have realized works dedicated to the Bicentenary: Alberto de Agostini (Italy), Gianfranco Foschino (Italy/Chile), Christine de la Garenne (Germany/Venezuela), Olaf Holzapfel with Teresa, Mirta,
Dionisia, Noelia and Luisa Gutiérrez from the Wichi indigenous community (Germany/ Argentina), Bjørn Melhus (Norway/Mexico).
Entre Siempre y Jamás (Between always and never)
Latin American Pavilion - IILA (Italo-Latin American Institute)
54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia.. 4th June – 27th November 2011
Isolotto, Arsenale - 30122 Venice
Patricia Rivadeneira
Deputy Commissioner
Alessandra Bonanni
Alfons Hug
Paz Guevara
Patricia Rivadeneira
Partner: Goethe-Institut
For additional information
Cultural Department
Italo-Latin American Institute
Via Giovanni Paisiello, 24 - 00198 Rome
Ph: 0039/0668492.246 – fax 0039/066872834