Within the context of itinerant project ungloborojo in colaboration with La Cúpula art gallery and medialab are presenting the next exhibition opening august 8th of the visual artist, teacher and architect Margarita Marino Nores called EXPLORA.

Throughout the history of the discovery process in the world exploration has allowed us to know something that until then was an enigma to us. It is from trips and expeditions into the unknown that men has been able to reconstruct the shape at different scales about the world, its geography, its accidents, its motifications, its mutations by human action or actions taken by nature. Like any other explorer Margarita Nores traces her exploring and travels to the unknown to make hers what sometimes exists outside and others do behind the reality as it is presented.
"At all times there was someone who, looking at Fedora as it was, had imagined how to make it the ideal city, but while building his miniature model, Fedora was still the same as before"
Invisible Cities
Italo Calvino
EXPLORE wonders about the limits, cartography, imaginary cities and maps. Explores the limits of the imaginary and reality proposing an abstract but readable look of a world beyond what exists.
The registries in log books records begin the creative process and its proposed as a Project initiated with his previous exhibition called ¨ La escala del afuera¨ at the Córdoba Architect Association as a work in progress in August 2013.
The exhibition will be open daily afternoon at Humberto Primo department 14 July until 20 August.
¨Antartida¨. año 2015 Técnica: Insición sobre papel alemán 450 gramos. Medidas: 20x20 cm Cortesía de ungloborojo art project
¨Anvers¨. año 2015 Técnica: Grafito 3h a 2b sobre papel alemán 450 gramos. Medidas: 50x65 cm Cortesía de ungloborojo art project
¨S-T¨ de la serie ¨Ciudades imaginarias¨¨. año 2015 Técnica: Acuarela sobre papel alemán 450 gramos. Medidas: 40x40 cm Cortesía de ungloborojo art project