The Art Sonje Center of Korea presents Francis Alÿs work The Logbook of Gibraltar, the first individual exhibition of the artist in this country. The Belgian artist who lives in Mexico since the 80s inaugurates the exhibition this afternoon.

The Logbook of Gibraltar describes the complexities and concerns related to borders that are established over the political agenda of each country and specifically in Mexico City. Through photography, videos, images, drawings and an installation Alÿs makes use of a metaphorical and poetic language to address these geopolitical problems that are a constant theme in cities such as Havana (Cuba) and Key West (USA).
In addition, the exhibition is constituted by a video produced by the artist: Do not Cross the Bridge Before You Get to the River (2008). The video is developed in the Strait of Gibraltar because of its strategic location among the European powers, not to mention that it divides the old continent with the African continent for only 13 kilometres. Using this data, Alÿs use Moroccan and Spanish children imagination who from both sides of the sea send boats made with shoeboats with the illusion that they will met on the horizon.
Also, another video will be projected on the third floor of the Art Sonje Center. Bridge / Puente (2006) establish a dialogue between Cuban immigrants and North American authorities. The video shows Havana and Key West fishermen with the illusion of building floating bridges which both coasts.
Finally, Shoeboats installation is made up of 64 pairs of boats made with shoes (those that children throw into the sea in the first video). The proposal of the installation is to replace bridge with children shoes.