Few days are left to the closure of the call for the galleries of Ch.ACO Fair 2014

Until April 20, 2014 applications from all galleries of Chile and other countries that wish to be part of the show will be received. The organization will evaluate each of the spaces and give their verdict through www.feriachaco.cl

Few days are left to the closure of the call for the galleries of Ch.ACO Fair 2014

Offering as each year a first-level infrastructure, personalized service, with a staff completely dedicated to provide solutions and marketing consultancy and in the transport of artworks, Ch.ACO Fair just opened the applications for national and international galleries participating for the sixth versión of this event.

As the last three years, the fair will be held in one of the patrimonial pillars of the city: the Estación Mapocho Cultural Centre, the old Railway Station of Santiago, with over 100 years of existence, has been recognized with the Reina Sofía Award for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. The appointment will be between 1 and 5 October, five days in which curators, buyers, national and international curators, museum directors, experts, critics and journalists specialized in art will learn about the work of several artists represented by their galleries.

From 2009, more than 200 international galleries have participated in Ch.ACO Fair. They are all part of the VIP program organized by the fair, offering stay with special rates at the W Hotel (Starwood Hotels), and starting this year, thanks to the partnership with Explora, the possibility of visiting the Atacama Desert, Patagonia and Easter Island in a unique way, combining a deep exploration of the territories with luxury services.

Through the VIP program, Ch.ACO Fair offers exclusive tours of private collections, galleries, museums, cultural centers, artists' studios and private collections, providing a unique experience around Santiago.

Furthermore, a patronage group of the fair has been founded, which set a purchase aimed at the construction of the Ch.ACO Collection, contemporary art heritage funded by leading Chilean businesspeople and is under the support of the FAVA Foundation, an institution in charge of Ch.ACO and other projects of excellence.

There are three types of stands where people can apply (25, 40 and 50 meters. squares), each with different technical specifications and benefits. As a requirement, galleries wishing to participate must have a minimum of three years of a permanent exhibition space and at least four exhibitions a year. After applying, the organization shall assess the spaces to give its verdict and announce what galleries will be part of Ch.ACO Fair 2014.

You can start the application and know the rules of the fair, by clicking here.