Final Exhibition of the Artists Program 2017 at Torcuato Di Tella University, in Buenos Aires, Argentina
At the Torcuato Di Tella University (UTDT), in Argentita, the closing of the Artists Program, which is proposed every year, is held. The series began last week with the feature film Reel, by Ariel Chezses, and the exhibition Ya nos estamos yendo (We are already leaving). The closing will have place on June 23rd with the curatorial project Lo que mueve la quietud (What moves the stillness), cured by Gonzalo Lagos and Guillermina Mogan. As a manifesto of the exhibition, the artists involved in the program wrote: "This final exhibition of the Artists Program tries to present the experiences and affections that go through last year. It is, therefore, to propose a setting in the abyss that problematizes, with a series of fluctuating energies, our coexistence for a year and a half. That is, with a compendium of antagonistic passions that we share, from love to sadness, from laughter to tears, and that were gradually inscribed in our body"

The proposal has been made by two curatorial projects of which they were part of the same artists: Ya nos estamos yendo and Lo que mueve la quietud. Although they may seem antagonistic, both projects complement each other and try to deepen the "unfathomable paths of communication and desire".
In the first place, Ya nos estamos yendo, curated by Alfredo Aracil, Guadalupe Creche and Bárbara Golubicki, inaugurated the cycle on June 5th, and had a closing on June 9th with activities by the artists Bernardo Zabalaga, Carla Lamoyi , Clara Esborraz and Ulises Mazzucca. In parallel to the exhibition, the feature film Reel, by Ariel Cheszes, was screened at the Maria Luisa Bemberg Cinema Hall (UTDT). The film brings together the totality of the artist works –both commercial and artistic- within a certain time and space at the beginning that become uncertain at the end leaving, thus, the audience that decides.
Secondly, Lo que mueve la quietud will have its inauguration next Tuesday, June 19th, in the Exhibition Hall of UTDT and can be visited until June 23. Starting from the idea that a white cube is not an empty space but a place where all the possible images that relate to each other, the artists interpreted the exhibition space as a landscape: "an active organism" where they locate those latent images. In this way, through a diagrammatic system some of their relations of forces are expressed.
The tutorials for exhibition of the Artists Program 2017/2018 were in charge of Javier Villa and the professor and future director of the Arts Department, Carlos Huffmann. Finally, it is worth mentioning the artists involved: Ramiro Achiary, Antonella Agesta, Julieta Barderi, Andrés Felipe Castaño, Santiago Cervio Martini, Clara Esborraz, Benjamín Felice, Pachi Giustinian, Carla Grunauer, Nina Kovensky, Carla Lamoyi, Patricio Lanusse, Tirco Matute, Ulises Mazzucca, Andrés Piña, Lucía Reissig, Bernardo Zabalaga Henriques, Simone Steinegger y Sebastián Desbats, (specially invites for Ya nos estamos Yendo project).