Frieze Masters 2012 announced Participating Galleries and Spotlight Section
Frieze have announced the participating galleries for Frieze Masters, the organization’s first art fair for historical art. Frieze Masters will take place 11–14 October 2012 on Gloucester Green, Regent’s Park, London.

Frieze Masters is a carefully selected presentation of over 90 of the world’s leading galleries, with 77 in the main section and 22 in Spotlight. The fair will give a unique contemporary perspective on art throughout the ages. Coinciding with, and within walking distance of, Frieze London, the two fairs will make London the focus for as broad as possible an international art audience and will benefit from a crossover between audiences of contemporary and historical art.
Frieze Masters will be designed by architect Annabelle Selldorf who will create a contemporary, elegant environment where ancient and modern art can be shown side by side. The fair will include a program of talks in which leading contemporary artists will draw out relationships between their practice and historical art.
The Spotlight section is dedicated to solo artist presentations. It will offer visitors the chance to discover artists working throughout the 20th century, from territories Austria, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Greece, Lebanon, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA.
The advisor to Spotlight, curator Adriano Pedrosa said of the section: ‘In our first year, the selection of Spotlight reaches beyond established painters and sculptors, proposing instead a more experimental and diverse notion of the ‘master’. The section has a concentration of conceptualist and feminist practices from the 1960s and 1970s, including historical figures not only from Europe and North America, but also from Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. It will look back at a diverse group of pioneers working at one the most radical periods of art history.’
Among the individual projects included in Spotlight there are pivotal Latin American artists. Galeria Graça Brandão, Lisbon, presents Lygia Pape, a key neo-constructivist Brazilian artist; Galeria Nara Roesler, São Paulo, shows Paulo Bruscky, one of the pioneers of Conceptual and Political Art in this country, where he introduced mail art; while Parra & Romero, Madrid, brings the Uruguayan conceptualist Luis Camnitzer, and Henrique Faría Fine Art, New York, presents Osvaldo Romberg, master in the deconstruction of paradigms in art and culture. Ruth Benzacar Galería De Arte, Buenos Aires, showcases León Ferrari, another leading representative of political and conceptual art in Argentina. Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo, presents Geraldo de Barros, one of the exponents of the Brazilian avant-garde, a precursor of Concrete art and a pioneer in abstract photography. Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin, shows the works of the Peruvian Teresa Burga, whose experiments in pop art, visual poetry, conceptual art, information art, and audio-visual art revolve around questions of representation and mass culture. The gallery àngels barcelona, Barcelona, presents Esther Ferrer, who belonged to the Zaj Group, renowned for its conceptual performances, and whose production includes objects, photographs, and systems based on the series of prime numbers.
A group of great pioneers from many countries, among them several from Eastern Europe and Asia, has also been included in Spotlight. There are key figures of conceptual art from all over the world, such as the American Bruce Nauman (Sperone Westwater, New York), the Arab Hassan Sharif (Sfeir-Semler, Beirut), the Philippine Roberto Chabet (Osage Gallery, Hong Kong), leader of the conceptual art group Shop 6, the Croatian Mladen Stilinović (galerie Frank Elbaz, Paris), the Romanian Geta Brătescu (Ivan Gallery, Bucharest), or the Croatian Sanja Iveković (espaivisor, Valencia), who was one of the most prominent artists of the feminist avant-garde, the same as Birgit Jürgenssen (Galerie Hubert Winter). Works from the Italian Pier Paolo Calzolari, one of the founders of Art Povera (Bernier/Eliades, Athens), and the German Sigmar Polke (Leo Koenig, New York), who was one of the creators of the movement "Kapitalistischer Realismus”, will also be presents, in company those of Cengiz Çekil (Rampa, Istanbul), one of the key figures in Turkish Contemporary Art, creating an art reflecting political tensions. Other renowned participating artists are Robert Graham (Karsten Schubert, London), Robert Overby (Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York), and John McLaughlin (Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York).
Adriano Pedrosa is an independent curator, editor and writer based in São Paulo. He was adjunct curator of the 24th Bienal de São Paulo (1998), co-curator of the 27th Bienal de São Paulo (2006), curator of Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte (2001-2003), curator of InSite_05, San Diego/ Tijuana (2005), curator of 31st Panorama da Arte Brasileira (Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, 2009), artistic director of the 2nd Trienal Poli/ Gráfica de San Juan (2009), and co-curator of the 12th Istanbul Biennial.
Participating Galleries
The participating galleries will exhibit art ranging from the ancient era and old masters through to art of the 20th century. Representing 18 countries, galleries participating in the first edition include: Galerie 1900-2000, Paris; Acquavella Galleries, New York; Colnaghi, London; Gagosian, London/ New York; Daniel Katz, London; Galerie Meyer Oceanic Art, Paris; Moretti Fine Art London/Florence; Helly Nahmad, London; Pace, London/New York; Van de Weghe Fine Art, New York and Rupert Wace, London. Tree galleries from Spain will also participate: Galería Elvira González, Galería Caylus and Coll & Cortés Fine Arts. Galeria Raquel Arnaud, from São Paulo, has also been selected.
Victoria Siddall, Director of Frieze Masters, said of the gallery list: ‘I am very pleased that so many leading galleries have committed to Frieze Masters in its inaugural year. The exhibitor list reflects the unique nature of the fair – they are all the best at what they do – and represents a diverse range of art throughout history and from all over the world. The very positive response to Frieze Masters from galleries demonstrates the desire for a great international modern and historical art fair in London.’
Michele Faissola, Global Head of Rates and Commodities, and Member of the Global Art Advisory Council, Deutsche Bank said: ‘Deutsche Bank is proud to support Frieze Art Fair as it continues to break down barriers, this time with the past, through the creation of Frieze Masters.’
Further information available at
Personal Cuts, 1982
3'43" DVD/Video Beta/Color/Sound
Courtesy espaivisor - Visor Gallery
Medea (1980)
90 x 60 cm - Colored sewing on textile
Courtesy Ivan Gallery
Tteia 1, B (prata-lunar)
Photography by Paula Pape
Exhibition view at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia 2011
Courtesy Galeria Graça Brandão
Parra & Romero
Living Room (1968) - Maquette - Offset - 13 x 69 x 37cm
Courtesy of the artist and Parra & Romero