From prison to art, Jhafis Quintero presents an individual exhibition at Diablo Rosso, Panama
Diablo Rosso is a think tank located at the Historic District of Panama City. Founded in 2006 with the aim of supporting young Latin American artists, the space opens this afternoon Una serie de eventos desafortunados en el pasado me obligaban en el presente a comer deprisa (A series of unfortunate events in the past forced me to eat quickly on the present), Jhafis Quintero solo show.

The Panamanian artist who represented his country at the 2013 Venice Biennial presents his latest project on this occasion. His ten-year stay at Costa Rican prison plays a substantial role in all his work. In addition, the project is influenced by physical and psychological strife, consequence of isolation and a constant meditation on survival and death.
According to the curators of the exhibition that will take place at Diablo Rosso, Jhafis Quintero creates "escapist sculptures while maintaining an ironic and even jocular attitude to life". Una serie de eventos desafortunados en el pasado me obligaban en el presente a comer deprisa is an excellent opportunity to understand an artist who through art found an alternative to break with the established without breaking the law.