Under the direction of Katya Cazar, in the 15th edition of the Cuenca Biennial, eleven women artists with a long history in contemporary art participate in this exhibition in times of pandemic (a necessary curatorial exercise that reflects on the closure of the tangible and intangible, the everyday and the symbolic). A bet on resistance and creation in complex present times.

Matilde Marín made Cotidiano (Daily) during the confinement in Buenos Aires, Argentina, specifically for the publication and virtual exhibition presented by the Cuenca Biennial.
Matilde Marín’s work (Buenos Aires, 1948) is characterized by the thoroughness with which it adopts various techniques in the elaboration, which include both photography and video, as well as engraving and installation. Matilde Marín’ s aesthetic ideas and projects always transcend the mere exercise of art and reached, through the years, dexterity and undisputed refinement in image processing. Her current production is focused on the role of the artist as a "witness", recording stories about the world we inhabit, as well as situations related to pure landscape and its natural or artificial alteration.
Other works by the artist:
Cotidiano. Fotografía con retoque digital. 35 x 27cms. Año 2020.
Serie Juegos Iniciales. Fotografía analógica con intervención digital. 60 x 80 cm. Año 2000. // Initial Games Series. Analog photography with digital intervention. 23 x 31 inches. Year 2000. Imágenes cortesía de Galería Del Infinito
Serie Juegos Iniciales. Fotografía analógica con intervención digital. 60 x 80 cm. Año 2000. // Initial Games Series. Analog photography with digital intervention. 23 x 31 inches. Year 2000. Imágenes cortesía de Galería Del Infinito
Temas sobre el paisaje. Fotografía analógica con intervención digital. Medidas variables. Año 2006. // About landscapes. Analog photography with digital interventions. Variable measures. Year 2006. Imágenes cortesía de Galería Del Infinito
Microrelato con Walter De Maria. Serie Microrelatos. Impresión Inkjet Fine Art sobre papel de algodón libre de ácido Edition Etching Rag 300gr. Año 2006-2019. // Micro-stories with Walter De Maria. Micro-stories Series. Inkjet Fine Art print on cotton paper acid free Edition Etching Rag 300gr. Year 2006-2019. Imágenes cortesía de Galería Del Infinito
Serie Pharus. Fotografía y video. Medidas variables. Obra en proceso, comienzo de serie: 2005. // Pharus Series. Fotography and video. Variable measures. Work in progress, started in 2005. Imágenes cortesía de Galería Del Infinito
Participants in the 15 Cuenca Biennial: Karina Aguilera, USA-Ecuador; Angela Bonadies, Venezuela; Saskia Calderón, Ecuador; Eugenia Calvo, Argentina; Pamela Cevallos, Ecuador; Marilá Dardot, Brazil; Glenda León, Cuba; Matilde Marín, Argentina; Rosell Meseguer, Spain; Priscila Monge, Costa Rica; Sandra Nakamura, Peru.