How to Biennale! An Exchange of ideas at Tate Modern
How to Biennale! invites participation from anyone engaged in organising art events to join an open forum of ideas at Tate Exchange (Tate Modern). On May 9, 2018, 12pm

Join discussion groups on all aspects of exhibition and art event production including curatorial vision, building a team and connecting with artists and audiences. Each group will be facilitated by established arts professionals.
Notes from this event will go on to be included in a new publication How to Biennale! The Manual (playing on the seminal 1980's manual by the music and art collective The KLF) which aims to offer a practical and accessible guide to making art "eventful" outside of formal institutional structures and expectations.
How to Biennale! is part of Building an Art Biennale at Tate Exchange, organised by Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton.
Free, limited places: