ICI and CPPC call to the Travel Award for Central America and the Caribbean
The Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) and Independent Curators International (ICI) are pleased to announce an open call for curators: The 2013 Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Travel Award for Central America and the Caribbean.

In its second edition, this travel award will support a contemporary art curator based anywhere in the world to travel to Central America and the Caribbean to conduct research about art and cultural activities in the region. Intending to generate new collaborations with artists, curators, museums, and cultural centers in the area, this award will cover curatorial residencies, studio visits, and/or archival research.
The CPPC Travel Award will support a curator to visit either one or multiple locations in Central America and the Caribbean, and will prioritize first encounters, allowing curators that have not traveled to the region to make connections and develop networks. The travel period can be anywhere between three weeks and three months, and take place between May and November 2013. The grant will cover costs of up to 10,000 USD.
Application guidelines for the CPPC Travel Award can be found on ICI's website. Independent curators and those with institutional affiliations may apply. Applications from established and emerging curators (3+ years professional experience) will be considered. A jury of professionals who live in, or have extensive knowledge of, the region will select the successful applicant.
The first CPPC Travel Award was granted in 2012 and was given in honor of curator Virginia Pérez-Ratton (1950-2010), who was internationally renowned for working with contemporary artists in Central America and the Caribbean. As a resource complementing the CPPC Travel Award, ICI hosts an online platform that provides information about Pérez-Ratton as well as the institutions, archives, collections, and cultural activities in the region. This resource will also eventually include accounts from the Travel Award grantee.
About the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
The Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) works to increase understanding and awareness of Latin America's contributions to the history of art and ideas, and to support innovation, education, creativity, and research in the field of Latin American art. Through grants and partnerships, the CPPC also supports the professional development of Latin American artists, curators, and scholars. Recent initiatives include, among others, a sponsorship to create a Curatorial Fellowship at dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel, Germany; a partnership with Hunter College (New York) to create the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Professor of Latin American Art; and an alliance with the Bard Graduate Center (New York) to organize the Cisneros Seminar in the Material Cultures of the Ibero-American World.
About Independent Curators International
Independent Curators International (ICI) connects emerging and established curators, artists, and institutions to forge international networks and generate new forms of collaboration through the production of exhibitions, events, publications, and curatorial training. Headquartered in New York, the organization provides public access to the people and practices that are key to current developments in curating and exhibition-making, inspiring fresh ways of seeing and contextualizing contemporary art. Since it was established in 1975, ICI has worked with over 1000 curators and 3,700 artists from 47 countries worldwide.
Application deadline: April 1, 2013
For further information, visit www.curatorsintl.org/journal or contact Misa Jeffereis at misa@curatorsintl.org.