Until February 11th, the Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA) opens the call for the ICPNA Contemporary Art Award 2019. Destined for Peruvian and foreign artists residing in Peru, the winner of the 2019 edition will be awarded with S / 30,000 (thirty thousand soles) and an individual exhibition.

The last winner of the ICPNA Contemporary Art Award in its 2018 edition was the artist Iosu Aramburu for his painting Nus dans la forêt. In addition, Raúl Silva and Pamela Arce received mention for their work.
The ICPNA call has two stages. The first is pre-selection: on the basis of a project in digital format with a maximum of seven recent works (no more than five years) one of them available for the contest plus the explanation of each of them and curriculum vitae. This pre-selection will be done by a curator assigned by the ICPNA, the documents must be sent to the email premioicpna2019@icpna.edu.pe. As for the second stage, a jury composed of three artistic professionals will choose a single winner among those who passed the pre-selection. Those who are selected must deliver the work on Monday, March 11th from 11:00 a.m. m. at 6:00 p.m. m. at the Juan Pardo Heeren Gallery (Jr. Cuzco 446, Cercado de Lima).
To participate or know the rules of the contest here.