Including works by artists such as Panmela Castro, Antonio Obá, the duo Barbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca as well as Jonathas de Andrade, the exhibitions unpack and update issues brought up in the newspaper "Quilombo", published by Abdias Nascimento from 1948 to 1950.

Instituto Inhotim opened the exhibitions "Quilombo: vida, problemas e aspirações do negro" (Quilombo: Life, Problems and Aspirations of Black People) at Galeria Lago, and "O Mundo é o Teatro do Homem" (The World is the People's Theater) at Galeria Fonte. The two shows, organized by Inhotim's artistic direction and curatorial team, continue the research initiated by the museum in 2021 on the work of Afro-Brazilian artist, poet, playwright and activist Abdias Nascimento.
The two exhibitions derive conceptually from the newspaper "Quilombo: vida, problemas e aspirações do negro" (Quilombo: Life, Problems and Aspirations of Black People), edited by Teatro Experimental do Negro - TEN (Black Experimental Theater) with 10 editions that ran from 1948 to 1950, and which serves as a context and enunciative platform for the organization of the most recent acquisitions made for Instituto Inhotim.
"The World is the People's Theater" include works by Jonathas de Andrade and the duo Barbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca. The exhibition develops around the relationship between theatrical practice, artistic and pedagogs and social activism. The starting point is the legacy of Black Experimental Theater (TEN), a group founded by Abdias Nascimento in 1944 which became known for putting on the agenda the protagonism of Black people and denouncing racism.
Frame from the film Fala da Terra, 2022, Bárbara de Menezes and Benjamin de Burca. Collection of the Inhotim Institute.
Frame from the film Olho da Rua [Out Loud] - 2022, Jonathas de Andrade, Video, 25min, HD. Collection of Inhotim Institute.
Frame from the film Olho da Rua [Out Loud] - 2022, Jonathas de Andrade, Video, 25min, HD. Collection of Inhotim Institute.
The exhibition "Quilombo: Life, Problems and Aspirations of Black People" proposes to reappraisal of the concepts behind the publication. Divided into 5 sections [1. New Power: Reformulating a Vanguard; 2. Public Lives; 3. Life and Aspirations of Black People; 4. Women Speak; and 5. Rewriting History: Identity Construction and Affirmation], the exhibition establishes a dialogue between themes raised by "Quilombo", linked to issues of representation and the identity of Black people in the society of the time, and establishes dialogues with the recent production of Brazilian artists.
From the 35 artists that are included in the exhibition, there are works acquired for the Inhotim collection by Panmela Castro, Maxwell Alexandre, Mulambö, Antonio Obá, Wallace Pato, Desali, Elian Almeida, Paulo Nazareth, Kika Carvalho and Zéh Palito, among others. "Much of what was discussed by the Quilombo publication is still latent in current debates about culture and Society at the aspirations of the Black population of the time by Black People are still relevant today. The works by more than 30 artists, some of them recent acquisitions for Inhotim, deal with themes that recapture these concepts brought up by 'Quilombo' and other publications of the Black press", says Inhotim's Assistant Curator Deri Andrade.