International Seminar LATIN OFF LATIN organized by CCE, Miami, Saludarte and Ideobox Art Space
Ideobox Artspace and Saludarte Foundation are pleased to announce the International Seminar LATIN OFF LATIN [Collecting Latin American Art Outside Latin America] which will take place in Miami in association with Centro Cultural Español de Cooperación Iberoamericana, on December 2nd from 6 to 9 p.m., in order to open an encounter space among curators, artists, commissioners, audiences and collectors that work with Latin American contemporary art outside the continent.

Designed as a multi-narrative space for the prospective study and dissemination of out-of-the-region Latin American art collection practices, the International Seminar –coordinated by semiotic and curator Roc Laseca- seeks to activate divergent reflections on the cultural and territorial behaviors of both institutional and private and the current role of Regionalism in global market.
Amidst the incessant march of a growing number of international institutions that are including specific Latin American areas and departments in their collections ((Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, Nueva York, Tate Modern, London, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museo del Barrio, Guggenheim Museum, etcetera.)), it takes certain conviction to program a cross-dialogue encounter that may evaluate the Latin American image that is concocted abroad, and, at the same time, may know the present and future roll that Miami is developing as a contingent Latin American cultural capital.
LATIN OFF LATIN collective and conversational approach allows Miami -especially during the opening of Art Basel Miami Beach week- to reconsider this increasing phenomenon that not only encourages the production of a regional and specific imagery, but it does also build a particular social and political body in each collection.
The Seminar –open and free to public- will count on 12 international experts, including Chus Martínez, Chief Curator El Museo del Barrio, NY; Pablo León de la Barra, Latin American MAP-UBS Curator Guggenheim, NY; Mario Cáder-Frech, art collector; or Claire Breukel, curator of Central American art; Alma Ruiz, Senior Curator of MOCA Los Angeles..
Medium term, the Seminar aims to systematize the critical discussion on this phenomenon and guarantee the creation of both academic and museographic platforms capable to evaluate the current Latin American art (including networks and alliances) that take place abroad.
The Seminar counts on the special support of Wennett Cáder Foundation and Art Circuits Miami. and
December 2, 2013 6-9 p.m.