On Thursday 27th at Leandro Alem Avenue 928 (Buenos Aires, Argentina), the plastic artist Juan Becú transforms Bruchou Law Firm into an art gallery. After a first edition with works by Vicente Grondona, the Bruchou Art Department bets again on national art.

Juan Becú. Obras 2015-2018 is an ehibition through the most recent productions of the renowned contemporary artist Juan Becú. Based on sculptures, paintings and an audiovisual piece under the title Radical Fitness -work awarded to the Mention of the Jury in the Braque Prize 2015-, the exhibition highlights the great career of a self-taught and multidisciplinary artist.
In relation to the initiative of the study and the novelty that this coexistence of disciplines –art and law- implies, Eduardo Mallea, partner of the Customs Department of Bruchou and the main art promoter at the firm, explained: "This new exhibition that we have aims to bring the world of art closer to art. In this way, our Studio will be impregnated with the sensibility of the artist, in this opportunity with the talented contribution of Juan Becú, who will accompany us every day during the permanence of the exhibition, and not only to the members of the Studio, but also to all customers and friends who special or incidentally transit through it. "
Nora Fisch gallery artist, Becú looks for to break constantly with stigmas. With a rejection manifested in all his work to "be the artist who makes ...", each series in which he works assumes a different esthetic and thematic than the previous one. Some of his paintings combine fovismo with abstract and figurative expressionism, others remind us of Brazilian modernism works, etc. Thus, continuously mutating, but never leaving aside the stamp that established himself –a long with artists such as Max Gómez Canle and Nahuel Vecino- as member of a generation of great importance within the contemporary Argentine scene.
Inaugurating this Thursday with the presence of the artist and a cocktail for the guests, Arte en Bruchou reopens its doors to the contemporary art scene. "It is our small and humble contribution to the world of Argentine art, which seeks to show the individual quality of its members, certainly on a world level, giving back to the artist, at the same time, with a tribute", added Mallea.