Since May 17th at the Jumex Museum (Mexico City, Mexico) they present an unprecedented exhibition. Apariencia desnuda: el deseo y el objeto en la obra de Marcel Duchamp y Jeff Koons, aun (Nude appearance: desire and object in the work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, still) curated by Massimiliano Gioni, is an exhibition that explores the parallels between two of the most influential artists of the 20th century.

Confronted for the first time in history, Marcel Duchamp (France, 1887-1968) and Jeff Koons (United States, 1955) works dialogue over key concepts about "object" and "merchandise" notions and the link of the artist with the society. As described from the museum, the exhibition operates as "a hall of mirrors that reflects, distorts and amplifies the similarities and differences between artists within a complex 'regime of coincidences' (a term coined by Duchamp)". Establishing a system of affinities that manifest as formal and conceptual resonances between both artists, Apariencia desnuda is conceived according to the concept of de co-intelligence des contraires (opposites co-intelligence), by Duchamp.
Although the French artist died in the late 60s when the American sculptor was still in school, the time that separate Duchamp from Koons is not translated into differences. The creative universes of each complement each other from the system of symbols that they develop. Likewise, both of them, mainly Duchamp with his Pond (pot that gave rise to ready-made art), have been pioneers in the proposal of new languages within art.
Another highlighted issue is the adoption of technology as a sexual metaphor. The works that will be exhibited since May at the Jumex Museum often flirt with the sexual appeal of the inorganic. Eroticism, gender and the challenge to imposed ethical norms are central themes in the works of these artists.
Eugenio López Alonso, president of the Jumex Foundation expressed his enthusiasm regarding what will undoubtedly be one of the most important exhibitions of 2019. "We are thrilled to be able to offer the Mexican public a sample in which they will be able to enjoy the playful facet of Jeff Koons -one of the most significant and popular artists of this century- and, at the same time, be part of the dialogue between two seemingly dissimilar creators, but who invite viewers to think about art function."
Banality, de Jeff Koons, en Donald Young Gallery 1988.
Exhibiting more than 70 works including Duchamp's complete 1964 ready-mades series - with works such as Bicycle Wheel, Bottle Rack and Fountain - and a selection of most recognized series of Koons -where they are The New, Banality, Made in Heaven, Rabbit, Balloon Dog and Hulk, among others- Apariencia desnuda: el deseo y el objeto en la obra de Marcel Duchamp y Jeff Koons, aun is possible thanks to more than thirty collections loans from around the world.
"In addition to analyzing the relationship between the ready-made and the consumer culture, the exhibition reveals how the work of Duchamp and Koons gravitates in a similar way to the enigmas of invisibility and transparency, secrecy and revelation," explains Gioni and adds that this is the first time that the influences of the legendary French artist on the acclaimed contemporary artist Jeff Koons have been revealed in a museum. "As the title indicates, the exhibition Nude Appearance - taken from Duchamp's work essay by Mexican Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz - reveals appearances in a chess game between essence and surface."