Jornadas de la Nueva Crítica in MACBA
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires (MACBA) and the Center for Artistic Research (CIA) present its Jornadas de la Nueva Critica, which will take place from August 24 to 27 in the museum.

What does it take to be a critic? Where can we hear and read their voices? Will we have to ask about them? Or, perhaps, only by criticism? As a textuality that implies and installs it in multiple configurations. Between the growing interest in some critical legacies that is visible in research, samples and publications and the emergence of a discourse that surpasses the usual places, mass media and academics, emerged the imperative of these Days that try to map states of situation, to activate reflections , Inquire in the form of questions and open, always open! Spaces of exchange.
The seminars will be presented in the framework of the exhibition The writing of the present / A space archive where different art publications will be exhibited, and a Parallel Program of activities that includes analysis, reading and writing workshops by Malena Souto, Florencia Qualina And Laura Isola, respectively, guided tours, and the publication of a special issue of the CIA Magazine dedicated to the contents produced in the framework of the Conference, as well as the continuity of the cycle Geometries of thought, coordinated also by Laura Isola that will feature Paola Cortes Rocca, Lucas Soares, Marcelo Pombo, and among other guests.
The Days of the New Critique are presented at MACBA in the imminence of its 5th Anniversary and in the face of the task of redefining its mission and its institutional course, assuming the commitment to promote practices that serve as an instrument to challenge our present.
Participants: Catalina Arzani by Melina Ruiz Natali, Federico Baeza, Osvaldo Baigorria, Florencia Battiti, Catalina Berarducci, Guadalupe Chirotarrab, Adrián Cangi, Cajita, Fernando Davis, Valentín Demarco, Fernando Farina, José Fernández Vega, Daniel Gigena, Andrea Giunta, Verónica Gómez , Horacio González, Carlos Huffmann, Claudio Iglesias, Laura Isola, Roberto Jacoby, Gerardo Jorge, Inés Katzenstein, Silvio Lang, Juan Laxagueborde, Agus Leal, Fabián Lebenglik, Martín Legón, Mariano López Seoane, Guadalupe Maradei, Lara Marmor, Daniel Molina, Leticia Obeid, Lucrecia Palacios, Cecilia Palmeiro, Cecilia Pavón, Mercedes Pérez Bergliaffa, Alejo Ponce de León, Florencia Qualina, Nancy Rojas, Lucas Rubinch, Ariel Schettini, Mario Scorzelli, Marita Soto and Julia Villaro.
From the 24th to the 27th of August from 4 to 9 pm
Free activity with previous registration | Limited space
Certificate for Attendance Fee: $ 150
Consultations to:
General Coordination: Sasha Hrycaniuk and Eliana Zanini
Direction: Jimena Ferreiro and Syd Krochmanly
Coordination of contents: Laura Isola
MACBA. Av. San Juan 328. Buenos Aires.