Juan Andrés Gaitán
Museo Tamayo, D. F. Mexico, Mexico
The Colombian-Canadian curator Juan Andrés Gaitán was appointed director of the Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo in Mexico City, following the resignation of Carmen Cuenca, whose work of four years at the museum was publicly vindicated by the institution.

Doctor in Art History and Theory Aesthetics at the University of British Columbia, Gaitán has served as curator, teacher and essayist and has worked for ten years independently in several countries. Between 2006 and 2008 he was assistant curator of the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery in Vancouver, between 2008 and 2011, curator of Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam and last year was appointed curator of the Berlin Biennale, an artistic event of international importance that since its foundation had never been led by a Latin American curator. This year he will be the curator of ArcoColombia in Madrid.
Courtesy hoyesarte.com