La Intermundial Holobiente is an inter/un-disciplinary group that attempts to invent imaginative practices based on modes of thought that are more than human —that is, not anthropo-centered. Its members are Claudia Fontes, visual artist represented by the gallery, philosopher Paula Fleisner and writer Pablo M. Ruiz.

Their guiding belief is that human survival depends on our ability to imagine decolonizing and non-extractivist relational modes among everything that exists. They are convinced that these relationships are only viable if we are able to collectively imagine the nonhuman as central to the human dilemma. The artistic-political question can no longer be the supposedly universal "What to do?" but must instead be the more modest and provisional "How to do?".
For Documenta 15, they chose to work in a feral area of the Karlsaue Park in Kassel where the wetland that used to be there seems to want to express itself, an area currently used for compost. They have invited 14 artists and writers from Argentina to collaborate on The Book of Ten Thousand Things, which constitutes the core of their project for Documenta. Aside from the book the project comprises a large scale outdoor installation, musical performances, activities for children, collaborations with the Wichi people from the North of Argentina.
The group decided to project their imagination into the voluminous mountains of earth and decomposing vegetable material found on the site, which are themselves the surplus of Karlsaue Park—matter rich in life and diversity, a diversity that poses a threat to the gardeners whose job is to maintain the park’s original design.
Questions as: How to speak “with” and not “of” the ten thousand things? And what alliances might we imagine for that to happen? How can we do this not based on the false promise of a common language but with a simultaneously ludic and rigorous heteroglossia? will be addressed during the presentation of The Book of the Ten Thousand Things, a book that invites you to look at the link itself, the passage, the threshold, the mud, the compost where all that exists is potentially connected. An invitation to imagine the possibility of finding other modes of existence and of narrating the myths of the pluriversal communities.
La Intermundial Holobiente
documenta fifteen
June 18 -September 25, Kassel, Germany