As a space for direct dialogue with the digital format of Pinta Miami Live, the Solo Projects section invited thirteen galleries for this edition under a novel curatorial premise.

Each one of the galleries -Cerquone Projects (Spain/ Venezuela), Espacio O Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo (Chile), Fernández-Braso (Spain), Galeria das Salgadeiras (Portugal), Glaería Leyendecker (Spain), Galería Monumental (Portugal), Galerie Younique (France), Laroche Rivas (USA), Multiplo Espaço Arte (Brazil), Quadra (Brazil), Rolf Art (Argentina), The Blink Project (Spain) and Vane (UK) – presents a solo project that explores new models of perception.
Espacio O Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo - Hermann Schmidlin - Hélice y Helicóptero - Urban Silence - Monocopy. White oil on tarred linen canvas – 2019 - 152 x 244 cm
Fernández-Braso - Rosa Brun - Canis Maior - Óleo/lienzo/madera – 2020 - 200 x 200 x 15 cm
Galeria das Salgadeiras - João Dias - Pictographic Construtive Element_03 - "Pictographic Construtive" - Membrane paint and coffered concrete. – 2017 - 104 x 130 x 20 cm
Glaería Leyendecker - G. T. Pellizzi - Conduits in Red Yellow and Blue (Figure 71) - Conduits in Red Yellow and Blue - Light Installation - 101.6 x 121.9 cm
Glaería Leyendecker - G. T. Pellizzi - Conduits in Red Yellow and Blue (Quipu) - Conduits in - Red Yellow and Blue - Light Installation - 86.36 x 140 cm
Curated by Roc Laseca (Spain), art historian and musicologist, Solo Projects is a proposal that revolves around the notion of the "tactile eye". In keeping with the digital nature of this fourteenth edition of Pinta Miami and as an artistic response to the new limits of audience perceptions, the projects on display address the problem of art consumption in relation to "digital subjects".
Galería Monumental - João Gomes Gago - Untitled B5 - china ink, charcoal, sanguine., sepia, oil pastel and acrylic plaster on Kraft paper – 2016 - 55 x 39 cm
Galerie Younique - José Luis Martinat - Progreso l - Hilo metálico bordado sobre tela – 2019 - 160 x 120 cm
Laroche Rivas - Frida Baranek - Indeterminacy I - Laser cut plexiglass disks, steel wire, 11 - bronze tube bars (orange+pink, orange+purple, orange+green, orange+dark blue) – 2017 - 60 × 60 × 6 in
Laroche Rivas - Frida Baranek - Trouxas II – Porcelain – 2020 - 41 x 28 x 13 cm - 16 × 11 × 5 inches
In the same way, the exhibition space of the section, understood as a non-space in the absence of a physical space, is put into dialogue with the same projects. "The registered object, more than ever," Laseca said in the section's presentation, "becomes an extension of the spectator's own eye, becoming no different from it.” This search proposes not only to take the artists' work to new frontiers, but also to move the public beyond the traditional limits of the sensory experience. A curatorial experiment that, without a doubt, challenges us all in this post-human era, reinforced by the security protocols required by the health crisis of the COVID-19.
Multiplo Espaço Arte - José Pedro Croft – Untitled - Ink water, black way, dry tip – 2010 - 110 x 150 cm each
Multiplo Espaço Arte - José Pedro Croft – Untitled - Gouache, synthetic varnish and indian ink – 2019 - 153 x 275 cm
Quadra - Julia Brandão – Childhood - Foam and fabric on wood panel – 2019 - 61 x 42 x 20 cm
Rolf Art - Andrés Denegri - Un martes - Grito (Scream) - Instalación. Tarima, 2 proyectores de cine Super 8, películas Super 8, sistema de loop, pantallas con tela translúcida. – 2006 - 57 x 220 x 535 cm
The Blink Project - Carmen Ortiz - S/T Gnomon Project - Gnomon Project - enameled steel plate – 2019 - 120 x 120 x 60 cm
Vane - Stephen Palmer - It’s never too late - coloured pencil, graphite pencil, carbon paper and transfer paper on paper – 2020 - 30 x 22 cm
Ultimately, and through formal experimentation with respect to the materiality of the works, Solo Projects emerges as an initiative that contemplates the three essential parts of artistic contemplation: the artists, the curator and the observer.