Starting Monday, August 20th, at Galería del Paseo, in Lima, Peru, Billy Hare presents his solo exhibition ARBÓREAS. Composed through the diversities of the Peruvian landscape, Hare's photographs constitute an important part of the contemporary photography of his country.

Addressing the diversity and richness of the Peruvian landscape, especially the coastal desert, such as the case of Huaca de Lambayeque (1981 - 1988); Nazca, la noche (Nazca,The night,2014); and Algo Ahí (Something there, 2016) book or its most recent production ARBÓREAS (2018). The exhibition, consisting of seven medium and large format photographs, extends Hare's search for the limits of the medium. However, this time it moves away from repetition and time - constants in works such as the series Variables continuas(Continuous Variables, 2011) - to emphasize the materiality of the object photographed.
In this way, Hare proposes a variety of black and white images where textures, lines and shadows lead to different interpretations according to the eye of the observer. Furthermore, and above all, ARBÓREAS leads us to question not only what is observed but also our way of observing, which determines our link with that other. Consequently, the work of the Peruvian photographer extends an invitation to leave time aside and give ourselves to contemplation.
BILLY HARE (Lima, 1946):
Disciple of Minor White and Aaron Siskind, between 1977 and 1978 he attended the Master's program of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) as a Fulbright Scholar. In 1992 he was distinguished with the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. He was a founding member of the Secuencia Association (1976-1980), as well as Secuencia Fotogallery. He also participated in the founding of the Photography Department of the Gaudí Institute (1993), the Photography Center (1999) and the El Ojo Ajeno photo gallery (2000). He has taught at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), the University of Lima and the University of Applied Sciences (UPC). As an activity parallel to his creative and teaching work, Hare has collaborated in various publishing projects around the landscape and cultures of Peru.